
Tuesday 13 June 2017


Time to do some more work on the lymphatic system of the body, lymph nodes, and lymphedema. Lymphedema is a widespread condition that results in fluid retention and tissue swelling. One of the first things a doctor should do with Lymphedema is offer a consultant investigation of the lymph nodes. Of course, that usually doesn't happen unless the patient demands it. GP's tend to look at the heart and other organs for clues to what is going on, by ordering blood tests on a regular basis.

If a person has swollen lymph nodes that is called "lymphadenopathy" and it can be seen in enlarged tonsils. In the 60's it was fashionable for children to have their tonsils removed. When a lymph node is swollen or enlarged, it can compress a blood vessel. It is written that swelling can occur in one node, or it can be widespread. If any blood vessels are compressed, you can be sure that is impacting upon the circulation and circulatory functions of your body.

The spleen and tonsils are the larger secondary lymphoid organs that serve similar functions as the lymph nodes. If you have a weak spleen as I do, then that can impact on the function of the lymphatic system of the body. I also have a genetic connection with the condition as my grandmother Sophia had it throughout her lifetime, although I think her condition was connected with her heart, and all of the operations that she had during her lifetime. My heart and other organs have been checked and all is fine, so we are looking for a different cause of it.

Time for another blood test and the GP is asking for what is known as a "Fasting" blood test. my physical energy is low this week, so I won't be going for that blood test this week. This week I concentrate on boosting my physical energy with the appropriate nutrients.

Juicing is good for the lymphatic system and so is soup with the appropriate nutrients for detoxing.

Massage, and aromatherapy is also essential for working on the lymphatic system, if you have some Reiki too that would be brilliant. If you are having a flare up, relax, take it easy, put your feet up.

Do not over exert yourself, or get involved in any strenuous activity. Remain peaceful, and give your body tender loving care. After a bath prior to bedtime, I put healing oil on my feet, and that does help tremendously. I put the healing oil on while the pores of the feet are open, then put on some socks to keep the healing oil on the feet. I recommend Tea Tree Oil, although I have used other oils too on the feet.

Dr Morse gives his view of the lymphatic system. The body becomes dehydrated due to the amount of acids in the body, that can clearly be a factor too. So if you have a flare up try not to drink coffee or anything acidic.

Time to get some more asparagus to eat too.

You may also find your hand and finger joints expanding too,  especially if you are in the third age of your life. You can find that one day you can get a ring on, and then another day you can't get it off or on. It's hard, I know, but you just have to keep on going, and keep positive. Apply what you can, to stay positive, and hopeful that things can and will improve.

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