
Thursday 1 June 2017


Shavuot is a Jewish holiday, and it is written that Shavuot can mean "week" or "seven".

After I watched the video about Operation Horseshoe last night, I went to look on the archive blogs to see if I could find the specific date when Jesus presented me with a horseshoe.

At the time of receipt, I considered it to be a vehicle for the blessings to pour in, and it is known to be a symbol of good luck, as that is how I have always understood the importance of its symbology. In fact, my parents used to have a horseshoe on our front door behind the narrow gate in London.

Last night, when I went to look for the date, in the archive, I came across some messages that people had posted for me back in 2013, in response to the last blog post on that old blog. One of the messages was asking about my health and if I was OK, as I had stopped posting on that blog (due to being logged out, and unable to log back in again) and some people became concerned about yours truly at that time.

Another message was asking to be able to speak to me privately, and that message had come from Australia.

Last night, I then looked to see if I could track down that person, and indeed I was able to do so, and it took me to youtube where that person has uploaded videos. On the video being shared today,  it gives a date of receipt being 1995, and it describes what people were told, and what they say that they saw that day while in Canada.

At 4.22 into this video, a man mentions that the woman is wearing a long train. At 5:11, a woman dressed as a nun describes what she saw and she says this of the holy mother,  "She has given a special gift, of the wound of her left foot and I can feel it very deeply. And I saw a light coming from this wound, going to the little pebble, and then unto myself". She then goes on to describe how the woman is dressed.

The date of 1995, is prior to yours truly telling anyone about the injury to my left foot or how it came to be when I was the age of seven. How I stood on a broken glass in the river of pebbles, and had to have seven stitches in my left foot and a tetanus injection.

How the left foot scar is the shape of the moon, hence, the prophecy about the woman in Rev 12, about the wondrous woman from heaven having the moon under her feet. The Rev 12 timeline was during the timeline of distributing the teachings delivered by Archangel Michael, especially relating to communications.

It was in December 2008, when Jesus asked me to read Rev 12 and Micah 4, and he spoke of how the Rev 12 timeline had had been completed. After that we began the first blog as he said that we were now going into a higher gear, as the time was nigh.

As far as the wearing of the long train is concerned, when I married in 1979, I wore a white lace wedding gown, the train was long, 8ft long, and it was covered with my white veil. I still have the wedding photograph taken inside St Mary Magdalene Church in London. It is a side view, so you can see the length of the train and the bride wearing it.

Another message is shared in that video, at 0.36 Our Lady, "My beloved Pilgrim Pope is living now on a ship, that I am guiding, upon waters of truth faith. This ship will rock and tip, but it will not ever sink, for he who has been chosen, is awaiting - he is steadfast in truth and he is remaining a pillar, and a mast upon this ship. I have placed my "Little Peter II" upon the mast of this ship, I have placed my little Peter II within the mast of this ship". Message 485, 15th August 1995.

Is it a coincidence that in the mid 90's, a man with the name Peter was brought to yours truly, in fact two healers with the name of Peter were brought, although the younger of the two men was known to his family as "Little Pete".

He was chosen for his integrity to stand by my side as we moved forward with promoting the healing disciplines together. Thousands upon thousands of people met us and saw us during that timeline of touring on the circuit of the healing exhibitions together.

That video also mentions the white cross, and in the mid 90's I was wearing a silver cross, a photograph was taken of me wearing it while I was in my spiritual room. The photograph was taken by a healer that was studying photography. That photograph then was published in a mass of publications that were sent out to people who were on the mailing list for attending healing exhibitions. It was a programme for the workshops and lectures that included my own.

I was pleased with the "Silver Cross" photograph has the photographer had caught my infectious joy and the happiness in my heart that shone on my face while wearing it, the light of the twinkling eyes. I still have a copy of that photograph too for evidence, and may even have some of the original brochures, as I do remember that I did keep a few.

The "Silver Cross" photograph was also published in other media, including newspapers and magazines. It also appeared in Australian media while I was staying in Australia during 1998-1999.

I will look in the cupboard for the beautiful wedding picture with the 8ft train, so that I can upload it to this blogpost for you to see it. Later.

As the LORD said, "By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it". 

Today, in the UK, volunteers week begins. 1-7th of June, 2017.

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