
Thursday 1 June 2017

825,000 N.I. Foreign Nationals

If this doesn't convince you to vote UKIP if you can, I don't know what will. The figures that are provided by the government just do not compute. The true figures of the amount of foreign nationals that were provided with N.I. insurance numbers in 2016 was 825,000 people. That means an extra 825,000 people that require dental and medical provisions on our NHS that is already overstretched and in crisis.

In this video uploaded today, UKIP MEP Gerard Batten gives us an update on this situation, on the migrant smugglers and how our borders are in chaos. Who was in charge of our borders when David Cameron was in office, Theresa May. I think Theresa May was more interested in her political career than she was about our borders, otherwise, why didn't she close the borders until she could get those borders sorted out. Don't ask the Conservatives to use their common sense, they're totally out of touch with the real people and what is really going on in our country.

Thank goodness for our MEP's that call out the EU again and again, our UKIP MEP's are certainly on it with the facts. Go UKIP, onwards and upwards, truly, I really do hope that we will have some UKIP MP's elected to our British parliament on June the 8th.

Only UKIP will stand for a strong and speedy BREXIT. The party that campaigned and the people that dedicated their lives to making sure that we got the referendum that the British people were asking for. BREXIT is legal.

However, let us give UKIP a reward for all of their hard work, let us have some decent, UKIP MP's sharing the truth and facts in defence of our patriots and people from all walks of life. UKIP defending our nation and culture from cultural genocide of it.

I certainly won't forget that number in a hurry, 825,000 people in a year, that is population explosion, that is invasion, that is cultural genocide. 

Another UKIP member, and a journalist for BREITBART London gives his view on the UK.

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