
Sunday 25 June 2017


Planetary energies of the cardinal grand cross, and power battles bringing things to a head. I certainly felt that today, in a situation with the telecommunications contracts that are being enforced upon everyone. I responded, NO! If you are on pay as you go, you have more flexibility, big smiles. 

Saying no to signing contracts reminds me of when I first started a business, when a very successful business man advised yours truly not to sign leases, or contracts for anything, not for business property, not for cars, not for photocopiers etc. I was very pleased I took his advice on board, as it did give me the flexibility to move quickly, when I had to do so. I wasn't stuck in contracts that I didn't require, and I was able to keep my overheads to a minimum.

Telephones remind me of the telephone dream that I received in March 2017, and tomorrow is the anniversary of the passing of Michael in 2010.

Since March, I have gained a new email address due to the telephone company closing the email facility, I also have a new mobile phone, the first new mobile since 2010. The numeric given in the telephone dream in March was 156 and the communication changes happened in the 5th and 6th month in 2017. 

9th of July is the full moon in Capricorn in the UK. The 9th of July is the "Day of Wonder" in numerics, in the telephone dream in March, wonder was also mentioned.

Stevie Wonder is in the American news, calling out BLM, he truly is a wonder.

Capricorn is a very steady sign, although they rarely do things straight forward, they usually go up the mountain sideways, in a sure footed way. They usually take the route that is the safest, and most secure for the short, medium and long term. 

That then can make those people cautious when beginning or ending something. So for instance a Capricorn would not be inclined to finish a relationship quickly, or begin one quickly, although they do become more adventurous after the age of 50. It's the same with business, they have to have everything planned out before they will move an inch. They have to be as sure as they possibly can be before they will make their move. 

I have an appointment on the 8th of July, with something new, so an interesting timeline for yours truly. I think the most recent dreams shared this month relate to the planetary energies, and I do view it as very physical, although there is a lot of communications involved.

What I have noticed over the decades is that when there is a cardinal grand cross it usually impacts upon those with a Christian origin and what I am seeing is a major clash with Angela Merkel -v- the people in Europe. As Europeans are just not up for Angela Merkel's demands, and her "emotional blackmail climate",  just won't work on the English especially.

Angela Merkel's demands of "Money or your Culture, Money or your Life", will receive a huge backlash from the people that voted to leave the EU. Our people have made up their minds, and they're marching against the "Islamic religious war", an EU army, and "financial oppression" that corporations like on a global level.

Our people in the UK are saying NO, to "cultural genocide", and threats from Angela Merkel will not encourage the people of the UK, to accept any of her demands. We cannot have a situation whereby the UK has to support 3 million Europeans, when the rest of the EU doesn't even support one million people from the UK. The negotiators will have to think again, due to the sheer amount of money that generations of our families have paid into our country.

We should not have a situation whereby social housing in London is filled with economic migrants from a different continent. Social housing was originally built for our native people, our indigenous people. 

That's all from me, hope you enjoy Pam's sharing on the cardinal grand cross. Tensions are high, the people have been stretched too far, and things are about to snap. So if you find yourselves feeling snappy, it's OK, it's planetary energies making people make some snap decisions, as you've had plenty of time to plan and think the global crisis through.

You've had plenty of time to take anything and everything into consideration so that the right choices are made for your future. Ask yourselves are you on the right side of history, were you ready when called to help. 

Have a lovely Sunday, and next week. 

In NYC, Milo has been having a party, a coming out party for American Conservatives, such fun.

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