
Saturday 24 June 2017

10,000 People London March

A great speech was given in London, when 10,000 football fans gathered in London to defend our country, united for peace against "Islamic terrorism". The great UK is awake.

The Sikh, Mohan Singh gave a brilliant speech and he said that our people have to take action to contact their MP's, and demand that all 'mosques' that are known to have "Islamic hate preachers", must be closed down now.

I would also say that we have to put an end to the "Emotional Blackmail Climate" and that includes what Angela Merkel is involved in trying to force upon our country, our people voted in the referendum, for no more migrants and to leave the EU.  

Angela Merkel is using climate change as a weapon against Europeans, telling Europe that if they don't pay up and finance Africa that 100 million more Africans will head north. The British have never liked "emotional blackmail", and it has to stop coming from Germany.

Tell the children the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood and Germany.

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