
Sunday 14 May 2017


It's rare to see a squirrel come to visit, so it was lovely to see a squirrel pass by on the wall today. I noted the direction that the squirrel came from and the direction that it was going in. It was great confirmation.

Squirrels and their walnuts.

In spiritual symbology, to see a squirrel, in Celtic symbology it is an emblem of the Irish goddess Medb. Symbol of the feminine.

Author Ted Andrews (Animal Speaks) shares with us that the Squirrel's keynote is "Activity and Preparedness", and it's cycle of power is year-round. 

If you have a Squirrel totem these individuals learn best doing, rather than studying. So it can indicate that we have a year of doing, rather than researching or studying, meaning that you have everything that you require for this phase of the journey. Now implement it for the next year and see the impact that it has on your life and the lives of others.

In it we find a Squirrel personality type, as they do like to communicate and prefer living to studying, they prefer activity that is outdoors.

Squirrels have tremendous balance, they are what I would call nimble on their feet, they can gather and they can also give out what they have have gathered in their doing life. As such they are pro-active and also responsive to the requirements of themselves and others. 

The masters of preparation, reminding you that in your quest to achieve and attain progress in your life, that it is important to make time for socialising and playfulness.  As work and play go hand-in-hand and in so doing you become more fruitful and the vine of Joseph is fruitful. Biblical prophecy foretold that the vine of Joseph climbs over every wall.

I saw Milo again this morning prior to waking up, this time he spoke about his younger days. No coincidence then that the British LGBT community awards are being written about in the MSM today.



Today is a Jewish holiday,  Lag Ba'Omer and this painting is for Israel, it is filled with nuts. I made a coffee and walnut cake yesterday for the celebration. Delicious. I am thinking about making some no yeast olive bread today, some more salsa, lovely with cheese and humous. 

Have a great day everyone, have a happy Sunday. If you are in a sunny place, get some sunshine to your body. It's a little windy today, never mind, enjoy the summery day and make the most of it. 

For the Irish Celts and a couple that got back together again, great news, best wishes to you.

For all of the couples, for all of the people that believe in love and romance.

The romance of your nations, and historic cultures. Your historic songs and music, always remembered by you and accessed by you when you choose it.  It's may time, may time is dancing around the maypole time.

I read today that Portugal won the Eurovision song contest, so best wishes to Portugal. 

It's no coincidence that Portugal won for the first time, in the timeline that the pope went to Portugal to celebrate in Fatima. 

Funny how the squirrels hide their nuts until they require them. I do like nuts! 


  1. Ireland has had some visitors, Charles and Camilla.

  2. Conservative councillor, Nick Harrington, has been suspended for six months due to Twitter comments towards the Irish people.
