
Saturday 13 May 2017


When I woke up this morning I heard a man singing these words "Never Give Up" and that is the title of a song from Lion King. It sounded like George Michael singing.


George Benson also brought out a song 'Never Give Up".

What's today?

Interesting that the WALNUT flower essence arrived today in the post, that was fast. So let's get on with it. Author Viv Williamson from Sun Essences also sent some sample cream to try. 



12th May, 2017

Look how different the photographs are 

I've finished the painting with an outer layer of a tassel type feathering, like I saw in the recent dream. 

The painting is A3 in size. 
13th May, 2017 

What I am working on? Coccyx Pain.

Try this!

More nut paintings.

In Judaism the Luz is mentioned. 

It is written that it was Joshua who spoke to the emperor Hadrian about the resurrection. Funny then that I had a run in with Adrian, that's a long story. 

Military men what can you do with them, military men that then went into IT. The last thing he should've done is take me on. Adrian -v- wisdom and my contacts. Adrian tried to take on the divine, and you know what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit don't you. 


When I spread the paint for this painting, I had Joshua in mind. The painting reminded yours truly of the Jesus boat at the Galilee, in Israel. 

In January this year, I was compelled to write about the children of the resurrection and the resurrection of the righteous. 

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