
Thursday 25 May 2017

MILO -v- Linda Sarsour

This morning I had a dream of Milo wearing white, and he was with friends.

So not surprised to see a new upload from the delicious Milo on the new moon for the new beginnings in gemini, that is all about communications. He's a star and totally on point, in the right place at the right time, perfect timing my love.

And what are the MSM interested in? Whether Donald and his wife Melania are holding hands.

Trump certainly called out the European leaders when he spoke in Brussels. He told them all to pay up for NATO. When he was in Italy, the pope told Trump he could become the olive tree of peace.

Although it's clear that the pope as a lot to learn about what the spiritual symbology means and the importnace of the grafting. Not only the grafting of the olive tree but the sheer importance of the colour of the olive skin.

Trump is fair Scottish skinned, he is not olive skinned, you have to be olive skinned to be in the olive tree.

Olive skin loves the sunshine, just like the Olive tree and our Milo was born in Athens. Greece that is renowned for its olive trees.


Many of the olives were beaten as Jewish prophecy foretold, we can look back in history to the great wonders and intellectuals that Greece birthed. Such incredible ability, talent and skill. Even the Greek prophets and prophetesses were crushed. In ancient days the feminine mystics were called doves because they had wings to fly divine and the purity of intention was understood.

Just like we know and comprehend the purity of intent of Milo.

Male or female it matters not, what matters is that you are truly loved.

What they required was the support from humanity to help humanity, although there were some people that didn't realise or know that either help was at hand, on offer, or available, because so many tried to shut the people telling the truth down.

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