
Thursday 25 May 2017


I had a few dreams today, the first dream was of Milo and friends and they were all happy. Milo was wearing white.

Then I had a dream of a local family that I used to know and they were all happy. That family have a couple of gay members, so I can see a connection between the first and second dream.

Journalist, and author Douglas Murray discusses what has happened in Manchester, the debate about Islam is certainly opening up now. 

People in the UK are clearly happy that action is finally being taken in the UK to defend the nation.


To dream of an atmosphere of joy and happiness on a proper occasion is a promise of domestic happiness. Interesting that today is a new moon in Gemini, and new moons can signify new beginnings. I have a new email address too. I've been updating contacts, just have to move the legal file over to the new address. Done!

I also received a message about "Waste", and I do have something that has to be taken to the "waste disposal", so I shall get onto that today. It's a lovely sunny day in the UK today. Depending on the cost to have something removed, I might order a skip instead.

Today, Trump is in Brussels and Obama has been with Angela Merkel, Obama was telling people to have "doubt" about their faith, when in fact, Jesus taught his followers to have no doubt in our hearts. Also remember what Jesus said to the rich man, and Obama is very rich. A rich man that tells people of the true faithfulness to have "doubt", oh no Obama, you shall not win with that!

For the LORD Almighty sent yours truly to stand against you and call you out Obama. For you have been judged by your words Obama, enough of ridiculing the Christ teachings and in so doing Americans and every Christian that exists.

Enough of it, for Jesus the Jew knows who speaks the truth and who doesn't.

In the gospel of John, the verse on the "Bread of Life", "Don't waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life.

Food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last. To that they said, "Well, what do we do then to get in on God's works?". Jesus said, "Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you into God's works". John 6:27-29

As we know the terminology "Son of Man", is a term of endearment for a Jewish prophet. That is why Daniel, Ezekiel and Jesus were referred to as "Son of Man". Although Jesus foretold that another "Son of Man" would come, and the scholars at the Jesus seminar confirmed that when Jesus spoke of the "Son of Man" to come, he was not speaking of himself.

I shared an article on that in 2009, where it was explained in-depth, of how Islam has tried to claim the term for their prophet. When in fact, Islam's prophet did not meet the full criteria as outlined in the Jewish texts, nor did he walk upon the land of Israel.

The faithful know the truth of this, the faithful in heart, the harp of faithfulness. Faithfulness and commitment go hand in hand, you cannot have one with out the other. You have two hands don't you, in my left hand is glory and honour, in my right hand is length of days and in the passage of John, it mentions "lasting life".

How could you have lasting life unless you are committed to the healing and its teachings that Jesus conveyed. Remember the proverb that mentions the greens, the herbs with love in it -v- the fattened ox with hatred, and what is better for you, the power of the love beyond measure.

There has also been more news from Manchester today, and the army are on it.


I bought some Walnut oil this week, it tastes lovely, I think that I am going to make some bread with walnuts and walnut oil. Get your English walnuts on as our country is going through a massive change.

Ponder upon the food that is perishable, and that which is not perishable and make sure that you have plenty of flour and oils. Make sure that you have the bread of life, and in ancient days, the Jewish people poured their wine over the bread. Bringing together the feminine mysticism, and the red wine of Elijah upon the food, the bread of life for it's blessing.

Remember both Elijah and Jesus, healers that restore and I am in the process of restoring again.

Remember our Reiki healers bless the food that we eat, before we eat it, for that is what his healers are trained to do. In thanksgiving, of what we have been provided with to eat. Never forget the importance of nourishing your bodies, with healing foods. Never forget the importance of nutrition, and nutrients for the soil.

When there is positive change, people are happy. Although as we know, true happiness is found within us, the kingdom of heaven is within you. Happiness reminds yours truly of a book that I once wrote, and people have asked me to write another book on a different subject matter, a book on food.

If you embrace Obama he puts "doubt" in your heart. Don't let him or his followers do that, for they will perish due to their hearts. I am a testament to the truth, an example of trustful loyalty and total commitment to the will of God and his Son, and because of that many people found the happiness within.

Some years ago, Hashem said that my path of service had increased the numbers of Christians. He was happy with that, a lot of spiritual people embrace Jesus in their hearts and so many became the love that they were born to be, for the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. Truly magnanimous.

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