
Thursday 13 April 2017


"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted". Job 5:9 

When I wrote the "Teddy Bear" poem, in 2016, I wrote about memories of feeding the ducks and swans in the park, being on the edge of the river bank, Regents Park, a home where George lived, a refuge of peacefulness, where many bereaved people have walked. His experience of bereavement came young in life, he penned it from his heart, and sung it from his soul, he knew how difficult it was to overcome, as such, he had great admiration for the children of Diana and Charles.


April 2017 

Although it is true to say, that some people bury bereavement, for different reasons, although it has to be worked through at some time in your lives, for the bereavement that isn't truly grieved, will manifest in your lives and trigger you in different ways, until you truly know how to mourn and to heal.

A healing that changes you and your life, it can stop you in your tracks, and make you view life more seriously, than you may have done before. Especially when you are young. "Rejoice with those that rejoice, and mourn with those that mourn". Romans 12:15 "Blessed are those that mourn, for they will be comforted". Matthew 5:14

Green Teddy Bear Poem

George gifted William and Kate a wedding present, he sang a Stevie Wonder song for the couple and he sang it beautifully. "You and I".

He was so happy for the English couple, he believed in love, and joy is infectious. He mourned with the family, and rejoiced with the family. Our Queen of Hearts, Princess Diana loved George, and George loved Diana, a connection in the heart.

They both stood up for what was right, they both paid the consequences for being united in the heart of compassionate action and mercy. Listening to the documentaries about his life, listening to what he said, I understand why he became reclusive, there is only so much a person can endure, and George had gone beyond endurance.

I was listening to what John Lennon said to a hippie that had been camping out on his lawn, how he too had gone beyond his dream. Huge success at such a young age, what they saw, what they experienced, what they knew about the music industry, changed the course of life, that they were on.

As Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

A spokesperson for Sony said that they "won the court case, but they lost a great singer."

That is what happens when parliamentarians, a corporation, or a company pushes a person too far, beyond what love and integrity of heart is willing to endure for success.

Love beyond measure can walk away easily from success because it is not success that compels the heart, it is love that compels the heart. It is love that creates the wonders and miracles to manifest.

I remember walking away from companies, that wisdom had helped to become successful, it's easy for integrity of heart to walk away. As the priest said, "Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD's approval". Judges 18:6 In the book of Samuel it is ELI that answered, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him". 1 Samuel 1:17

Truly, the power of love is what is required for peace to reign supreme in your lives, remember the Isaiah prophecy that peace will become your governor.

"The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace". Psalm 29:11

Is it a coincidence that Psalm 29 mentions Lebanon and George had a Lebanese lover? The Psalm also mentions the water, and George Kyriacos was a water sign, with a water north node soul journey.

What else does it include? The VOICE of the LORD is powerful, the voice of the LORD is majestic.

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