
Wednesday 12 April 2017


I'm going to have to get a camera organised, because it is hard to get good pictures of the paintings on the computer camera. This picture would even be far too big to scan on my scanner. It's 60 x 40, and I felt compelled to paint 'KYRIACOS', the middle birth name of the singer George Michael.

It is also his dad's first name. The Greek word means "of the Lord" and the word is derived from kyrios translated as Lord in the biblical text.

It was an important position in classical Athens, as the word "kyrios" referred to the head of the household and the person held the responsibility for the family and any unmarried relatives. As we would say in England, head of the house, head of the family, or head of the household.

This is a lovely sketch for the comic relief charity fundraising with George Michael.

The colours are white, turquoise, and a royal blue, giving us a nice lazuli feel to it, reminiscent of the colours found in Greece and the Greek Islands. The paintings always look so different when they are photographed by the computer. So for instance the top of the painting is all white with some blue underneath the white, the top of the painting is much softer than the pic looks.

There are two heart shapes in the painting, and a lot of water, as George Michael was a water sign, and also had a soul journey north node in a water sign too, a sensitive heart.

Right in the centre of the painting a man and a woman emerge, as in a couple and that would fit with Kyrios being head of the household. There is a lot of dolphin energy in the painting, and that is also symbolic of Greece and its Islands. In spiritual symbology the dolphin energy is symbolic of the angels of unconditional love, angelic hearts.


April Passover 2017 

The painting is in a pine frame, on a cork texture, although, I might paint the frame a lazuli blue too, I'm just sitting with it for now and feeling its energy, it looks great on the lazuli door and on a white wall. This is my largest painting to date, and I am quite pleased with it, as I haven't been painting for what seems like ages. Some people like to see my paintings, so I hope that you find this one interesting.

George certainly had "Philotimo", and he was known for taking care of everyone, in his family, colleagues, and friends, he also made large donations to charity. In fact, the royalties from his Jesus song, was given to the British Childline Charity, and they amassed at least £2M in proceeds from that song.

No one can sing his songs like he did, his voice came from his sensitive heart from whence his songs came. A young man, only 53 years old, passed over 25th December 2016. Born in East Finchley, north London. The direction of the north for healing, and the direction of the east, for living the "philotimo" in a charitable way, in his charitable deeds he led the way by example for others to be charitable.  Where he was born is known as "Little Israel", in the prophecies and his physical body was laid to rest in Highgate.

He was always ready and willing to sing for charity, there were so many fundraising songs, and concerts, that he was included in. His art was in the heart of his soul, and there are so many memories of him on film.

When I spread the paint, I just allow it to evolve, and let the colour take it where it would like to go.

Sometimes I am given names for paintings when they are complete or during the spreading of the paint. Sometimes, I have a clear intention for the energy, the name of a person, as in this painting, the intention being focussed on "Kyriacos".

There is a Greek Island with the name of KOS, a beautiful, although very busy Island. George is a very popular boy's name in Greece and as we know, Princess Diana's grandson was given the name George.

Like Princess Diana and their charitable works together, I think this "Kyriacos", George Kyriacos will always be remembered by our people in the UK.

The Greek Islands and the lazuli waters, the azure, once experienced, never forgotten, it remains in your heart. Idyllic. Do you remember when Diana went to the Greek Islands with great love in her heart?

The impact of the beauty of the Greek people and their Islands, upon our countries since ancient times has been immense. It is destinations like this that make living in Europe so wonderful for those of us that were born in Europe. Remember the Lord Bryon song, she walks in beauty.

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