
Wednesday 5 April 2017


Did you turn your hearts to the children? How did you bring up your children? This is a great video about not giving a child every material thing that it asks for. America is a huge consumer society isn't it? Did you "overindulge" your children? My parents didn't "overindulge" when the 1950's women were born, and I didn't "overindulge" my son either. When I was growing up, I was appreciative of anything that my parents could afford to give, no matter how small.

I taught my son when he was a baby born in the 80's, that he cannot have everything that he would like to have, and that the simple life is best. Although he did have the best quality food that I could provide, and he did have new clothes and shoes. He always looked lovely, and he had plenty of holidays abroad too, both with myself and my parents.

This working mum, did my utmost to provide a safe and secure home with plenty of quality time. So I was very pleased yesterday to see a young English mum with her three children, taking them out to join in on a pleasure party with other children. People and our nation's children, are more important than anything that you might like to have materially, for our children are the future of our nation.

Time shared with people and children can be the most wonderful memories that you hold in your hearts. Memories that can remind you of your joy and happiness shared together.

Happiness that is within that is healthy for you. For "Children are the supreme joy of human life" and a happy heart enhances one's brilliance, a proverb that is correct. I once said to my son, that I didn't mind what he did in his work career, as long as he was happy do it. As I had been very happy in my creative career, in the corporate world, while providing for him with the essentials that he required.

Work has been very difficult for children that were born in the 80's, due to their being fewer opportunities. Also there are fewer opportunities in the countryside than there was in London during my life living in London. Of course there are more opportunities in a big city, although there are other consequences that come with that too and some young people are not willing to move locations, or travel for work.

If a child has known peacefulness in the countryside, they will always be peaceful, and only do what enables them to sustain that peace that they have known and lived. Isaiah 54 mentions how peace was granted, in the second house where my son and I lived together.

How peaceful are you? How self-sustainable have you been during your young lives? How much energy did you put into living a life that is peaceful and in so doing rewarding? How compassionate and merciful, how charitable, how giving of your love? What greater reward than love beyond measure? What greater reward than magnanimous love?


What is more important to your children, your money or your love? Love was more important to yours truly, love and the time to give it. I cannot say that I was the perfect mother to my son, I can say that I tried my best in very difficult circumstances; and in that I can see the perfection of it, in line with the biblical prophecies. As my Christian mother-in-law once said to yours truly, don't try to be the perfect wife and mother, just be good enough.

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