
Wednesday 5 April 2017


I had dreams within dreams this morning and the last dream was of ants. In dream interpretation "if you observed ants in a dream, the organised activity of these industrious creatures, a change of business, or position would be beneficial". 

No coincidence then to find a new video of Nigel Farage speaking at the EU today. Nigel Farage has told the EU "gangsters" that they owe the UK billions. That's a rant from Nigel Farage in his birthday week isn't it?

To have dreams within dreams portends a deferment of your highest hopes but nevertheless a definite improvement in your present circumstances. This indicates that what this is really all about is British workers, British jobs, British manufacturing, British employment, and the health of our people, including their sanity. Ants can be symbolic of workers, and in the last week there have also been some ants arriving in my kitchen. As we know a lot of European workers, and workers from other countries, took many of the jobs that used to be carried out by people from the UK.

It's also important to point out that in Australia, the UK, and also in Greece, when a country was chosen for the Olympics, each of those countries used it as an excuse to bring in more immigrants, when in fact we had enough workers of our own. Only in discussion with people internationally, or visiting those countries, would the local business people then tell you about their experiences in their countries and what happened to those countries during the time of their Olympic stadiums being built.

Not all workers are the same, as there are different qualifications for different jobs too in different countries. The EU has tried to standardise everything, including our manufacturing, agriculture, and health options. This brought in a huge amount of regulations, so for instance, they even brought in regulations, whereby a restaurant would have to list every single ingredient in a meal on the menu. At this point that has not been enforced in the UK, although it would've been, in we had voted to stay in the EU. That is just one example, although they are numerous.

Nearly two decades ago, I witnessed for myself how EU money is spent in Europe, millions and millions of Euro's spent on building facilities that the youth did not wish to attend to learn how to be goat farmers. That indicated that those that had applied for that EU money, had not done their market research prior to spending a huge amount of money building something that the youth would not support.

What else happened? Our own fisheries and waters were given to other European nations and that definitely impacted upon our own fishing industry, and the price of fish.

In addition to that, the EU has been enforcing a standardisation in healthcare with the IAPT CBT involvement, across Europe they introduced an American system. You may ask, why are the Europeans involved in an American system, when we already had our own?

Cultures are different, not only in what the cultures are, what their history is, people from different cultures are different in other ways too, including in health, that is why you see a high incidence of particular health conditions in different countries.

So for instance in the middle east they have a very high incidence of deafness, in America they have a very high incidence of heart conditions. Our cultures are not the same, our people are not the same, culture is about individuality, and uniqueness, not about making everyone the same. Every culture has something special and unique about it.

That is why tourism happens in many cases, so for instance people that travel to Israel from different parts of the world, go to see for themselves those historic sites in Israel. I view tourists differently to holidaymakers, tourists go on tours specifically to see the sites and holidaymakers usually go for a holiday to have a rest from work, and with the young, they like to have fun.

When the EURO currency happened, that impacted on the ability of Europeans to be able to afford to have holidays, because prices shot through the roof everywhere. The EURO was detrimental to the European countries and its workers.

Thank God, that Maggie Thatcher, kept us out of a full economic union with the EU. Remember she kept on saying NO to the EU, the Iron Lady is not for turning, Maggie also said, "Buy British", she knew what was ahead of the UK, and she did all that she could to defend it and our people.

So BREXIT it is, with Nigel Farage leading the charge in his birthday week. Happy birthday Nigel, we appreciate you for standing up for our individual countries, our individual cultures, and our freedom of speech. Every culture has the right to be unique, and to retain its historic culture, of which there are many in Europe.

I noticed at the end of one of the other videos, in response to Nigel, UKIP had put some text at the end, "Keep Calm, UKIP is Coming", did you notice that Nigel was wearing a lazulli coloured suit in that video above? Big smiles.

Did you know that we have an international cloud appreciation society on-line now?

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