
Saturday 29 April 2017


In my dream at Easter 2017, in the nightmare I saw ANTIFA, with a female Muslim leader, how did I know that she was a Muslim? She was wearing a hijab and was dressed in black, they were on the "attack".

Now the news today is that the UKIP election presentation was "disrupted" by protestors. Not only that but they had the audacity to make "allegations", and "accuse", reporters from BREITBART.

Can these protestors actually speak the truth? Or do they only have the American "race card", to throw at people? Can't they do better than that? Seriously, they should do their homework and research better.

Perhaps Milo could pay them a visit and educate them. Big smiles!

I've discovered that Naima Omar, is the Muslim activist that is standing against UKIP, with her supporters, they not only stand against UKIP, but they also stand against the President of America, and Marine Le Pen.

The calm reporter from BREITBART that engaged with the protestors in London, responded, that he is just there to report on the story, and that he's not the story.

Bless him.

After I experienced the nightmare, I did pre-warn an ex-Breitbart journalist that there was an "attack" coming in London from ANTIFA.

The testimony of warning!

What happened after that?


The fact is that the British people, the French people, all Europeans, and the Americans, all have the right to say no to multi-culturalism, and immigration. We all have the right to say no to "cultural genocide" of our nations. That's not 'racism', that's common sense, to defend our cultures.

As I shared before when they were throwing their American "Race"card, I only have ace cards in my right hand, (and the length of days).

It looks like there is going to be a great turn out for UKIP in the forthcoming county council elections.

In my county, UKIP are standing for every seat and the UKIP supporters are on-line in force. So much so, that newspapers are closing their comments sections because the majority of posters are openly declaring that they're voting UKIP.

May the force of all goodness be with UKIP, let's give the county councils a big shake-up in the UK, enough of the old guard, time for them to leave office. It's blue skies and sunshine where I am today.

Best wishes for Paul Nuttall that is standing for Boston and Skegness as MP. Boston are "anti-immigration" and "anti-EU".

In this poll, 79% of Telegraph readers are voting UKIP in the election.

It looks like it's going to be a great weekend, so happy bank holiday weekend everyone.


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