
Saturday 29 April 2017


Professor Jordan Peterson discussion with Mark Steyn on "Gender Tyranny" that is happening in Canada legally. It's important to keep on it with what is happening in other countries, especially western countries if you live in the west. Professor Jordan Peterson is the only active academic that is talking about this and sharing what is happening legally in Canada. The outcome of the law is that it impacts on all Canadians in language, and life itself.

In the meantime, British journalist, Milo, is on it in America, and he is launching MILO Inc to respond to the "madness" of political correctness in America with a $12M financial backing to do so. 

Young MILO in the right place at the right time with a new media launch for those that wish to share and speak the truth. "new venture will include, he says, a publishing platform, an event management arm, and a "talent factory", dedicated to "destruction of political correctness and the progressive left". 

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