
Monday 3 April 2017


The tree and hedges outside my window have received a major pruning, first time in years. Interesting that John 15 mentions the pruning. I do view it as a positive sign as it means there will be new growth. Not surprised that the pruning happened when Saturn and Mercury is retrograde, cut backs in education and in communications that are impacting upon technology and its advancements in education.

Has the Clinical Psychologist, Professor Jordan Peterson been impacted upon by the cut-backs?

Professor Jordan Peterson has been denied research funding for a project on political correctness.

That means he will have to look for alternative sources for funding his important work, if he is really intent on continuance of his work with it, there is certainly room for new growth. 

Some of you may remember a time when some very pro-active scientists left academia due to those scientists wishing to continue with their innovative work. People that think outside of the box, are pioneers in their field, and it's rarely easy for pioneers, due to those in the status quo that like to stand in the way. Apparently, the names of the people that make those funding decisions in Canada, their names are not even divulged. How is it, that some selected academics are allowed to make decisions about your life and academic research, without full engagement with you Professor?

Every student should ask that question, and investigate how funding is provided in the universities for research, that the students are paying for.

Also interesting that last night I saw a couple of orbs of lazuli energy dancing on the pink blossom outside my kitchen window. The last time I will see that pink blossom this year. Pruning time is also a great time to have a huge clear out of the past, and anything that you don't require, a great time for house-clearings, and re-decorations inside the home.

April the 3rd, is the "Day of Order", so it is a perfect timing to get everything in order, inside and outside of our homes. Do you like your home? Are you making changes to it? Are you improving it?

So we have a major pruning on the day of order, how incredible is that? Perhaps if Peterson had called his research, "How to achieve order and eliminate chaos", he would've received the appropriate funding for his research. Titles can be very important, as its incredible how some people react or respond to a title.

Although everyone has their own views on what "chaos" means to them, for sure, "political correctness" in the current climate is not self-sustainable. Why? Peace, peacefulness is self-sustainable once a person has attained it - by earning it.

Great that peace was granted to the person that had been given a double portion of it. In the Joseph prophecies, Joseph received a double portion. Then you find that again in Haggai 2.

So perhaps we should share John 15 with the PC brigade, for you will get a pruning of your tree, you can be sure of that. In the same way that the EU will have to have some pruning too, we can't have the PC EU threatening war with Russia, by building it's own army. The EU should stay out of Russia's business, and get on with their own.

The UK is pruning, we are coming out of the EU, how great is that, the leave voters are very happy, although I noticed a German woman complaining on youtube about it this morning.

So do you like yourself and do you like your home and where you live? Do you like your homeland?

Is it peaceful and are you peaceful? What are you required to prune from your life in this timeline? Ben's song mentions seven years, and that resonated with yours truly, it's seven years since Michael passed over, a man that is mentioned in the book of Daniel. Seven years is a cycle of time completed, although I am in a nine year in my life cycle. Certainly, a year of completion and divine love. So complete redecoration this year, it feels so good and up lifting. I like painting, and I have more paint arriving.

I came across this quote today from a 20th century Christian philosopher, it's a brilliant quote from Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language". 

Has we know our hearts are intelligent, scientifically proven and Einstein gave a great quote to go with the pruning. "People love chopping wood, in this activity one immediately sees results". 

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