
Sunday 2 April 2017


Yesterday, I was given the word, "MYSTERIES", when I woke up, and Rabbi Singer has a mystery that he is trying to solve.

Today, he uploaded a video about it.

Rabbi Singer says that he has difficulty trying to fit the Hag 2 prophecy into the Ezekiel prophecy about the 3rd temple being rebuilt. The Haggai prophecy that he is referring to mentions a house.

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: "In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD Almighty. "The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the LORD Almighty. "The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. "And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty". Hag 2:6-9 NIV translation. 

That prophecy also aligns with Luke 17, and the planetary circumstances when a person is being revealed. As it is written, Jesus said that it would be like the time of Noah and Lot. In recent days, Columbia is flooding, although I first began to give ecological warnings when I first began to receive prophecy in the mid 90's. That then turned into the "Millennium Prophecy" lectures delivered on the circuit. Plus a lot more came after that and instructions were sent out as and when received.


However, the house prophecy, let us return to that. I have asked Singer to refer to Isaiah 54 about the woman that was vindicated by the LORD, for the prophecy also mentions the restoration and it is Elijah that is the restorer.


My second house was the second house that I restored, and it was double the size of my previous house. Although I did extend the size of the first house by opening up the roof space and making another room in it.

"The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house", says the LORD Almighty". 

Prophecy also tells you that Joseph receives a double portion, and the second house was much bigger than the first, it was double the size.

The vindication mentioned in the Isaiah 54 prophecy, happened in the mid 90's, when the lazuli blue carpet was put under my feet in every hallway, and on every stairway. That is when my financial situation was completely turned around, and the bank manager was shocked at what I had managed to achieve. Of course everything that I did was divinely led. Now read the prophecy in Isaiah 54 and see what it tells you about that!

Then in recent days, the LORD spoke of the Lazuli again, so perhaps we should refer to it as the Lazuli prophecy. After my mother passed over, (prior to going to Israel for the second time) and I received a small family inheritance, I also bought a lazuli blue car, (I bought it secondhand) although it was a much better car than I had previously. It was my first blue car, and I really liked it.

In hindsight, in my life, the Lazuli blue as been to do with the restoration, and times of spiritual transformation. In the mid 90's, I wore turquoise and lazuli necklaces, I also wore those colour clothes during the time of restoration.

The Hag prophecy mentions how in that house, in that place, "I will grant peace", declares the LORD Almighty". That is very true, he did and once you have known true peace, who can take it from you? Isaiah also gave a prophecy about a time when peace would be your governor, as we know, Joseph was a governor that forgave his family for what they did to him, forgiveness was hugely necessary for peace to reign supreme in his life.

The person that Christians know as Jesus, also made "forgiveness" a major aspect of his teachings, following in the footsteps of Joseph's actions. I too was led to impart teachings of forgiveness to help people to heal. We begin with the self, and then when you have made your breakthroughs, you are then able to help others to do the same.

Ultimately, life experience counts, and it is life experience that helps people to comprehend the prophecies. Living it, is knowing it, for how can you know it, unless you have lived it? That is why the command was to live by the tree of life experience.

Another aspect of this is that the couple that I stayed with in Israel in 2006, (for a week), they also lived in a big house, a new one, they had designed it themselves and it had been built for them on a hill. They shared that it had taken a long time for the builder to complete it.

From their balcony I could see the border with Lebanon, and the wife could see that I felt uneasy about that border when I was looking at it. The rest is history.

After my mission to Israel in May 2006, I had a dream of dancing around their house in a rainbow.

I viewed the dream as it indicating that their house and the people in that house would be safe and protected. For the rainbow is a sign from God, and it is do with the covenant with God and Joseph.

The message about the dream to was passed onto the Israeli family.

In dream interpretation, to dream of a rainbow, indicates "the end of all of your troubles will be followed by great happiness". 

I was certainly happy to return to Israel again in 2007, for the second mission, yes, great happiness, it always feels like going home, when I arrive at Tel Aviv airport and see those mosiacs on the wall.

After I wrote that blog post, I saw two orbs of lazuli energy in my kitchen and it was dancing on the pink blossom outside my kitchen window.

Shalom singer, shalom. Heaven responded to their songs.

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