
Saturday 4 March 2017


Venus goes retrograde today, the 4th of March, 2017 until April the 15th. So not really a good time to launch anything new, especially if you love what you do. As we know, Venus is related to love, and relationships, symbolic of the goddess of love. My Venus is also in Pisces, hence, I do really like to eat fish. The fish that I have for this time, is smoked salmon, fresh salmon, marinated herring, smoked mackerel, and cod.

Cod is lovely cooked in garlic with sesame seeds and fish is great for the skin too. I think I shall have some cod in sesame seeds today, with new potatoes, spinach and some leak. I also have some love tips too, some lovely asparagus to dip in butter and taramasalata. My other dip, is cucumber, and mint in yogurt. I'm still eating my yogurt three times a day, when I have some in, I am still working with the research with healing foods for different heath conditions.

The herb Thyme was the herb picked up this week, and some more fresh coriander, great for salads.

Fresh leek is also great in salads, if you like lots of greenery, and onion tastes. I also like fresh tomato with garlic, and sliced onions in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, with lots of garlic. Lovely with mozzarella cheese, drizzled with the dressing.

Yesterday I had a mozzarella 3 egg omelette for my healthy lunch with thyme, it was delicious with brown seed bread. When Venus is retrograde it's an important time to love and nurture yourself, the best way that you can to honour the relationship with the self.

It's not the time for outward workings, it's about concentration on you, me, myself, the inner you, and it can be very powerful. Let the rest of the world go by, it will still exist even when you are not so apparent in its workings and interventions.

The planetary configurations continue on their path impacting on consciousness, regardless of what humanity does. There is a large dove sitting on the fence outside of my kitchen window, and it signifies a time, when love has its back to you, saying look at my back. So we should get the results of my MRI scan in this timeline.

Look at the back of the dove, is a good way to comprehend the energies of Venus retrograde. It's all about the back and back up, so for instance, did Obama get Trumps back-up? Is Trump now turning his back on Obama and his realities? Is Milo turning his back on some people and walking away from some realities? How about Dave Rubin, another freedom of speech advocate.

So make sure that you honour your health, and give to the self what the self requires, remember it is a convalescent time. Although in London, a massive march is happening to defend our NHS, as that is an essential for our country and its health care.

It is a time to reflect, on how far you have come, how much you have developed your skills and talents, since the last time Venus was retrograde. Did your repertoire increase? How did it increase and what will you do with it when Venus moves forward again?

Is there anything that you love, that you have to look at? In your relationships, your friendships, your home, your life, your career, what is it that you have to work upon within yourselves?

I've been thinking about young people and how best I could pass my skills and wisdom on to those young people when the timing is perfect to do so. We have the venue, we have the club in existence, so I am pondering upon the possibilities and the best way forward.

Yesterday I bumped into a lovely young man and I held him in my arms from a baby, it was wonderful to see him, and he gave me a great big kiss, he's always happy to see a woman that gave him and his family, so much of her love, they always remember how much they were loved, when it was important to do so.

I liked my email address, although that will all be changing at the end of May, so this is a time for yours truly, to prepare for the changes, and make the changes that have to be made. I am certainly ready for positive change in my life, how about you?

Venus is retrograde in Aries the Ram and the Son of Joseph was a sun sign Aries, so I comprehend the dream and post on the "Victim of Conspiracy". Perhaps we should call that the "Joseph Initiation" as it relates to the story of Joseph on this land of Joseph in England, and the parable that Jesus gave to his followers about it. What he did was give a prophecy in a parable of life.

If people were aware of the right times to move forward, and the times not to move forward, wouldn't that help people with their lives and the decisions that they make? Would that have helped Andrew Breitbart? How about if he had received divine guidance?

I remember when I was going to Israel for the first time, and I asked if I could go in March or April, and the divine response that I received was no, you are to go in May. So May is a very positive time for yours truly.

I'm pleased that Dr Ben Carson is on the job in America in the home and housing communities, that is relevant for this timeline, I like him, and he has a lovely wife and family. It's clear that the best time for Dr Carson to move forward with his love beyond measure, would be after the venus retrograde is over. Dr Carson should begin with the back, the back end of what has been going on.

Does that make sense to you? Some birds are still sitting on the fence facing East, and a lot as been going on in education. Watch the birds, they will show you, be open to their messages, Venus likes her birds, have you been feeding the birds? I feed our birds everyday, I always give the birds what I eat, I give the birds, the crusts from my own bread.

Our birds are quite rounded, there is plenty of meat on those birds, it means they are well-fed. I must remember to put some water out for the birds, as sometimes they like to drink from it, and sometimes they like to put their feet in it. That bird has come back again, it has got a lovely white neck and underbelly, now it's on a walkabout.


I see dolphins and fish in this painting, and when I looked at Nigel Farage's Twitter feed last night there had also been a post on our fisheries in the UK, and BREXIT. 

The 4th of March is the "Day of Creative Isolation" and April 15 is the "Day of Definition".

Aries people can be very moody, they are the babies of the zodiac, they like their own way, they can be very moody when they don't get their own way. The best thing is just let them get on with it, go out for the day, let them get over it, and their demands for your attention. Eventually, they mature, because they have too. Especially when their children are all grown up, and they're faced with adults in their own homes.

Aries are strong people, and they do overcome when they put their minds and hearts into it. Some make great leaders, if and when they have the right balance and family support in their home lives. Depending on where they have come from, which country, which family, they require a lot of understanding and a lot of self-reflection on their co-creations. It being a fire sign, they can be fiery with their mars, so watch out for explosions in this timeline. Like etna erupting on Sicily.

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