
Saturday 4 March 2017


On the evening of the 2nd of March, I felt compelled to paint. While I was painting the fire painting, I was thinking about the eruption of Etna and the lava flowing from it in Sicily.

The painting is much lighter than the photograph of it portrays. 

However, on the 3rd of March there have been evacuations in central London, due to a large gas explosion in Archer Street, Soho. I have been on edge and now I know why.

People from Pubs and offices were evacuated in the whole area, even Shaftesbury Avenue and Great Windmill Street was closed off. I think people are noticing that there are far more explosions like this in these last days of the end times. I used to work in that area of London when I was young, so I am quite familiar with it.

Is it due to the workmanship, outdated systems, or on purpose?  Perhaps London fire brigade can give our people some answers, because we certainly won't get any from Theresa May. The other day I also made a post on WASHBURN, synchronicity? That American R&B artist was very popular in Europe, and especially Germany.


Spreading the paint, I see water and dolphins in that painting, the fish of Pisces and my Venus is in Pisces. That paint for this painting was spread right after the fire painting on the 2nd of March, 2017. I was compelled to paint a star because I had seen a star very brightly in the sky on the 2nd. 

These are the days of Elijah declaring the word of the LORD.

What else is happening?

A march in London for the NHS, this is the RT live stream. For people outside of the UK, the NHS is our national healthcare system in the UK.


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