
Saturday 18 March 2017

UK Feminists -v- Freedom of Speech

Can you believe it, they banned newspapers in a university that was studying journalism, hilariousness, of the PC brigade. To think that the original first wave feminist, Germain Greer is also banned from speaking at universities.

Let's be honest about it, what has actually happened is that the feminist community has been hi-jacked by the LGBT community, both in the UK and America.

Shocking that 85% of professors in universities are Liberals/Lefties a 25% increase.

How can that be balance if and when the minorities are being allowed to dictate to the majority of the students that are also paying a lot to pay to go to those universities. Perhaps people should choose universities and courses that don't have a leftie professor.

Students should do their research on their professor and not just their university degree, degrees that are out of date even before they leave university.

The last that I read about university education in the UK, there is a plan to reduce the length of degrees from three to two years, and to increase the fees to £13,000 per year.

That's £26,000 for a degree, and in some training courses like psychology, they have to go on to do an MA before they're even qualified to get a job in their chosen profession and career. That would cost £52,000 just for a qualification to work in the career of your choice. That's a huge debt to begin your working life with isn't it?

How bizarre, when Freud and Jung, both knew that those that they referred to as the Essenes, already knew what they spent their lives studying. At the end of Jung's life, he said that he wished that he had spent his life studying alchemy and mysticism. Of course those known as Essenes were and are mystical healers, and spiritual psychologists, Freud and Jung agreed upon that.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was made flesh. Who did you follow, did you follow a professor, or did the professor follow you?

What else is happening in the UK? The British Government are planning to close down 1,000's of GP surgeries. The Clinical Commissioning Groups are talking about supporting the growth of Superhubs, whereby 45,000 patients are served by one practice. The fact of the matter is that when I first had a GP in London, those GP's knew everything about the health of the patient and their families.

Not so today, the GP's have too many patients and spend too little time with their patients and the CCG groups clearly have a strong connection with Richard Branson and his involvement in healthcare in the UK. Successive British governments have been privatising more and more of our NHS, and there is far too much American involvement in it too.

Did you know that Richard Branson supported Obamacare that is having to be repealed in America by Donald John Trump and his team? Did you know that America's healthcare system is a huge cost to those that sign up for it? In some states costs increased by 116%, and some people have had to pay over $50,000 a year.

That's the kind of costs the Richard Branson leftie likes, the champagne socialists, with a globalist agenda, that live off the backs of the poor. Nigel Farage says that Jeremy Corbyn came from wealth, a teacher he was not for long, as Corbyn has been involved in politics throughout his life. The same globalists that support Islam with many from the LGBT community. The LGBT community even ban ex-Muslim women from sharing their truth about Islam and in so doing, they're doing their utmost to close down freedom of speech at every turn.

What many in the LGBT community are doing, is against international Human Rights law, and article 19, the Universal Declaration on Freedom of Speech, and they should be sued for standing against human rights of freedom of speech in universities.

How do we respond to the LGBT community? Legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

Jesus had a lot to say about the LGBT community didn't he? The community that he referred to as "Sodom and Gomorrah", he requested that they receive healing miracles. The scripture also told them to stop complaining.

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