
Saturday 18 March 2017

LUKE 17 "Son of Man Is Revealed" Prophecy

In Luke 17  it mentions the days of Lot and how people were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. Then the prophecy, "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed". Luke 17:28-30

Jesus had a lot to say about the LGBT community didn't he. He asked for the community that he referred to as "Sodom and Gomorah" to receive  healing miracles. Scripture also told them to stop complaining. In his prophecies he also mentioned northern Israel and the area near the galilee.

So let us look at the "Son of Man" prophecy again, as it is a term of endearment for a prophet. Daniel and Ezekiel were also referred to as "Son of Man" and 150 Jesus seminar scholars agreed that when Jesus was sharing about the "Son of Man" to come, he was not speaking of himself. The Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, Geza Vermes also supports that view of the prophecy about the "Son of Man".

Interesting that after my first mission to Israel in 2006, the fire came down upon it, and Lebanon, the war came. Hezbollah, had already began firing on northern Israel just as I was preparing to leave Israel and get my flight home to the UK.

My flight home was from Tel Aviv, and I was staying in Ben Yehuda Street at the time.

I had a telephone conversation with an Israeli woman in the north as I was sharing what I had seen when I had woken up, and she asked if I had been watching the television that morning, I replied, "no, I've just woken up".

The Israeli, then shared that Israel was being attacked by Hezbollah in the north. The rest is history, as the war is documented.

Then in 2010 when the Americans asked for proof of identity on-line, within days the fire came down on Mount Carmel and Israel again at Jewish New Year. Israel reported that five million trees had been destroyed in the fire that began in the north where the Druze live.

Also that same year, the sign of Jonah appeared in the waters of Israel. The great whale arrived and people were celebrating, Jesus also foretold that the orthodox would be given a sign, the sign of Jonah.


Why would Jesus refer to the Lot situation? He clearly understood the prophecies of Isaiah, and that if they did not take this to their hearts, than the war would come, he also foretold that if they still didn't take it to their hearts, then the fire would come. If they still didn't take it to their hearts than the floods would come. That is another reason why Jesus also quoted the story of Noah and that too appears in Luke 17.

This week, Lima in Peru has been in the news due to the floods. However, many will remember the Asian Tsunami, on Boxing Day in 2004, in a highly volatile Islamic area. Prior warning was sent out to spiritual people by yours truly. The article was titled with the words that I had been given divinely by the LORD, "Humanity Needs You Now" and it was distributed around the world, after that an SOS was sent out.

Then there was Japan, and I asked people that were living in Japan, in the summer of 2010, "when are you leaving Japan, you know what the prophecies say", then we all know what happened the following Spring in 2011, another Tsunami.

In the Aramaic translation it says, "But in that day when Lot went out of Sodom, the Lord sent down a rain of fire and sulphur from heaven, and destroyed them all. Such will it be in the day that the Son of Man appears. In that day, he who is on the roof, with his clothes in the house; will not come down to take them; and he who is in the field will not turn back".

After the fire came upon their house that was the final warning, and I did not turn back to visit those people again after that. They had been given so many warnings in so many different ways, and they still refused to take it to their hearts. The testimony of warning was given many times, Isaiah 8.

What else do we have to share?

Turn your hearts to the children.

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