
Wednesday 1 March 2017

POGG AWARD WINNER - Professor Jordan Peterson

On the 6th of February, 2017, I received the message LISTEN and then I was shown the Canadian flag.

So let's have another look at Professor Jordan Peterson and why he won the Canadian POGG Award in 2016. In this presentation he is talking about what has been made law in Canada and how if you don't refer to someone in the way that they asked to be referred to, then you can be reported for a 'hate crime'. What happens when politicians pander to a tiny minority is expressed by the Professor who has been accused of a 'hate crime', because he will not accept the law that panders to the LGBT communities demands in Canada.  In his sane presentation he explains the "insanity" of C16 and you can understand why people of truth, people of integrity, are standing against this Canadian law.

Professor Jordan Peterson is not against the LGBT community, he's just against what a minority of that community are doing that impacts upon the majority of Western civilisation in Canada.

If that interested you, then you might like to watch and listen to the whole presentation.

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