
Wednesday 1 March 2017


I'd been to sleep for a few hours when I had a dream and there were IT people in the dream, some IT people were trying to get rid of me, because I knew too much about their business activities. They didn't win because someone that knew my integrity came to the rescue, and they also called the authorities to take those IT people away from yours truly.

There was a reason and a purpose why I was meant to get in the middle of what was going on in the IT community, and the dream did show me that love was standing by, ready to step in when required.

With my rational mind I can see the different aspects of the dream and how it relates to the past, although there was also a prominent personality in the background that relates to the present.

I realised that the past has created the present, and that the battle within the IT community is still going on in a different reality, there is a bigger picture to the dream, and the depth of what has been going on in the IT community during the last decade.

The prominent personality has also been involved in the IT community, he also knows a lot, and some IT people have also stood against him, but he will prevail, he will overcome. All he has to do is tell the truth, and make sure that he lives in integrity, and mercy will always help him.

After I awoke from the dream, I felt refreshed, and renewed, like there had been a clear out, and now I was able to move on, as I had done what had to be done and that was to intervene, an intervention. Just has I had intervened, someone else intervened, and now a decade later there is more intervention, I hope that makes sense to you. Integrity is essential in all business activities.

You could view it that there have been battles going on in the IT community, and they are still being resolved by younger members of the community, that have stepped in to help resolve it. The prominent personality is a key member in that community, a leader involved in trying to resolve it.

In dream interpretation to be a "victim of conspiracy", predicts great social success, but if you are involved in a conspiracy against others, then it can mean the opposite. So make sure that you are on the winning side of history. It does bode well for the prominent personality shown in the dream, because many people care about him, and people know that he has tried to do his best.

Interesting that Prophet Isaiah spoke of conspiracy, you can find it in the biblical text.

Nostradamus,  also wrote about it, and Nostradamus even wrote about the "conspirators".

Love beyond measure everyone.

Interesting that I had this dream on the 1st of March, because that is the "Day of Artistic Expression". 

Carl Jung began his artistic expression after the war was over, and the many battles that he had been involved in the academic community. Carl Jung was on a new frontier of understanding the soul including his own. There is a lovely quote from him on privilege.

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are". 

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