
Saturday 11 March 2017


I've had some foot, and back issues that have to be resolved. Chiropractors know that in every case of back issues that require treatment, trauma and injury as been involved. However, in my experience if you are sent to see a Rheumatologist or Neurologist in the UK, they don't take a proper medical case history.

So your GP can send you to see the Rheumatologist for a consultation for the arthritis in your hand, and instead the Rheumatologist x-ray's your foot, instead of your hand.

When you already know that x-ray's have been done of your foot and the bone structure is fine, it begs the question why are they x-raying again, an area that has already been investigated with an x-ray?. 

The two top Orthopaedic surgeons in the UK, have said that "x-rays are useless" and that everyone should be given an MRI scan. Now what if you have an MRI scan of your lower back and the report comes back from the Neurologist that you have "Lumber Spondylotisis", or they could write that you have some "spondylotic changes", and in my case no treatment plan has been offered? 

What then? My recommendation is to get a second opinion, because "Lumber Spondylotisis" is far too broad a term, that can encompass many different types of health conditions. 

We know for a fact that any foot injury will have an impact on the back, and any injury to the back impacts upon the feet. In some circumstances the Rheumatologist will tell you that your foot injury has healed, if that was the case then you wouldn't be experiencing any difficulty with the foot would you, basic common sense, do consultants have any? 

You may also be told that you have flat feet, and you may have also shrunk in height, the combination of the two, will also impact upon the agility, flexibility, and amount of pain that you experience in your back. So let's go back to the ankle pain to begin with. One of the leading causes of flat feet in adults is "Posterior tibial tendon tears", so how can the Rheumatologist tell you that it has healed if you have flat feet? Seriously, they must think that we were all born yesterday.

In my case, I first experienced back and hip pain while doing yoga in the gym, floor exercises, I definitely felt something go in the hip joints. After that I had a "trapped nerve" that was resolved by the Chiropractor in 2002. Prior to that I used to swim and go to the gym on a regular basis, in fact, I had been into physical fitness throughout my life.

I also ate a healthy diet and was aware that with my small bone structure, I had to ensure that I was lean enough, so that my structure could carry my weight easily. Some people say that I am too thin, although I am the ideal weight for my height, age, size and bone structure.

As time went on the amount of back pain experienced increased. When I saw the Osteopath he said it was a complex condition, and the CEO of the hospital confirmed that in a letter. When the physiotherapist examined me I couldn't walk for a few days, so the physiotherapist certainly touched something during the examination that put me out of action completely.

So I turned to an Alexander Technique therapist, to help with the condition and help with my mobility. That therapist helped with my posture and also the alignment of my spine and I was having regular treatment for a few years and that did help to keep me mobile at that time. 

I also had chiropractor treatments, on a regular basis when I could afford to pay for them. In addition to Shiatsu treatment now and again, Aromatherapy, some Acupuncture, Reflexology, and Reiki. The body work certainly helped my body, although if I had received more treatments and been able to afford them, it could've helped a lot more. It's interesting to note that there was a change in the x-rays over a ten year period. 

The first x-rays that were taken of the back in 2002, the Chiropractor said there was no jelly between the lower vertebraes and that the disks were rubbing against each other causing pain. The chiropractor also said that it was a degenerative condition of the muscular and skeletal systems.

My GP at the time, didn't agree with what the Chiropractor had said, although she hadn't looked at the x-rays, as the chiropractor had done.

When the second x-rays were taken, I was told that my spine was in good condition for a person of my age, and that there was plenty of jelly in the lumber region. That could indicate that the complimentary medicine treatments that my back had received had helped. Although we also know that the body can heal, regenerate and restore, although miracles of this nature can take time. 

Also if your condition is due to a huge amount of trauma that your back has experienced during your life, then you have to work on the trauma too, that the body is holding onto in the tissues, muscles and ligaments that support the bone structure.

Rheumatologists and Neurologists are not trained in that work, so who will you turn to for help?

Remember they don't even take a proper medical case history either. Basically, the consultants at the hospital are really only interested in acute conditions that are life threatening. If your condition isn't life threatening, then there is no treatment plan given to help you and your condition. 

So for instance, I had a serious car accident in 1997, and was taken to hospital. However, after I was released from hospital, there was no follow-up, and no treatment plan from the hospital or GP at that time. Remember this the body holds onto the memory of trauma and there can be internal physical damage that isn't picked up by the x-rays. Even now, scientists are still discovering systems in the body, that they didn't know existed. Scientists are still learning more about anatomy. 

In 2009, I had a serious accident in the bath, and that is when the injury to the left foot happened too, when it twisted causing the accident to happen. So we have whiplash in 1997, the experience in the gym in 2002, and 2009 in the bath. In my 20's I also had operative procedure on my cervix, and experienced a traumatic birth on a physical level with 36 stitches that followed.

Then six months later, more operative procedure on my cervix in an emergency operation and I was rushed into hospital with 48 hours notice. Back conditions can also be a result of a traumatic pregnancy so I might do a different blogpost upon that.

The bigger the weight of the baby, the bigger the strain on your physical body, my baby was big, he was two weeks late, and weighed in at 8lbs 13ozs. For two weeks he was laying on the nerve and maternity refused to take me into hospital when the pain was beyond measure. 

I know that I have weak ankles, usually Aquarians do. Although the rest of the bones in my body are strong. Hence, I am looking at that which supports the bone structure. I will continue with this project for as long as I have too, as it appears that a lot of the consultants put the condition down to age for a lot of people.

And as far as I am concerned, that is not good enough. It is not good enough to just give a person a name for their symptoms, we have to have a look at the root causes and provide support for patients to enable patients to work with it to improve their health as much as they can.


Another aspect of this is that I began to get Sciatica too in recent years, and anyone that has experienced Sciatica knows how painful that can be. My recommendation for helping Sciatica is "Inversion Therapy", in my trial of it, it took six weeks of daily treatment on an inversion table to get the Sciatica to cease. 

Although, if I stop doing the inversion, the sciatica comes back, I also included that in my testing of it as an appropriate methodology that can help patients with their back issues.

Inversion is excellent for strengthening and stretching the back, muscles, and ligaments. It's great for posture and alignment of the back too. So I highly recommend that people try it. Remember this you are not stretching the back when you are walking, you are just putting more weight on your flat feet that are already suffering.

The foot injury, the hand injury, the sciatica is all on the left side of the body, and the car was hit on the left side, when my car turned over in 1997. 

Gentle exercise is great. However, its imperative that you have a balance, because too much outward activity like walking, can cause you even more damage and pain than you have already. Especially if you have flat feet too. Sufficient rest is imperative, and so is the appropriate healing foods for the different health conditions that you maybe encountering in your third age of being. 

Remember this prophecy says that the LORD would save the lame, and I have always done whatever I can to help people to resolve their health issues, no matter what they may be. He compels me to resolve and to restore, and divine guidance is given every step of the way. Does it remind you of the Greek spirituality of PHILOTIMA? Did you know that in ancient Greece, prophetesses were known as doves?

This post is what I refer to as "self-disclosure in the therapeutic process". In self-disclosure, we are able to help others with their physical health, because it helps people to ponder and think deeply about their own health condition and causes. 

This week I saw a Magpie, and he was sharing to move your head like a bird, looking at the traffic, move your head in both directions, do that too, because even though you may not experience pain in your neck, your neck does impact upon your back, so make sure you have plenty of flexible movement in it. If you don't have plenty of flexible movement in your neck, that too should be investigated. 

You may also have to have your neck "unlocked" due to a previous injury to your back, like I experienced with the car accident. In massage therapy, its essential that people receive a therapeutic massage within 48 hours, to help remove the memories of the trauma from the cells.

Fortunately, when I had the car accident, the Reiki healers, and a highly qualified RM, and Aromatherapist came to work on my body right afterwards. I can certainly recommend, Peter Warnock, although it's a long time since we did some work together.

Then a year later, I was pushed to spend a year abroad in the sunshine, and all that Vitamin D, certainly helped my bones and recovery at that time in 1998-99. 

I used to sunbathe at least 2 hours daily, in a country that had that much sunshine. In fact I have sunbathed a lot during my life on the planet and was blessed to be able to afford as many holidays abroad as we did. 

The sunshine is certainly great for these types of health conditions, if I could afford it, I would certainly move abroad to a hotter climate. Or at the very least do what my mother did and that was to spend the winters abroad in Southern Europe, she would leave in November, and return to England in March. She said, it also saved her a lot on winter bills in the UK. Although she stopped going after the Euro was introduced, as prices soared to more than she could afford on her pension.

The fact that the pensions were removed from women of my age group hasn't helped either, especially women that are experiencing these kind of back issues. The government has poured extra stress upon women, financial stress that they could certainly do without at this time in their lives.

As far as I am concerned, people with "Lumber Spondylosis" should be allowed to retire, because these people have no choice in the matter. To overcome any health condition you have to put as much effort into it as you can.

Stay as positive as you can be, concentrate, focus on your goal, and research with yourself and outside of yourself. Get help from others when you require it, do whatever you can to alleviate the pain, and remember this pain killers do not solve it, so please limit your use of them, if you can. 

You may also experience an explosion of blood vessels in different areas of your body, that too has to be investigated due to being related to the lymphatic system of your body.

I do have an easy methodology for testing your calcium levels, although it is also imperative that you have your Vit K because the brain doesn't assimilate the calcium properly without the Vit K. Lemon juice is great for the assimilation of calcium. So make sure that you have plenty of lemons. 

I will provide some different blog posts on healing foods and recipes that are appropriate for strengthening and improving the muscles, ligaments and tendons etc. Although many healing food blog posts have already been posted on this blog to help you. 

This was an interesting discovery today, as I keep on buying onions that are reduced, so this onion skin remedy is also worth a trial run.  It can be used on your skin and hair too.


Boosting your collagen is also essential, imperative that you eat foods that boost the collagen and estrogen in your bodies.


I usually give new remedies and treatments at least six months before deciding whether something is working or not. At the moment I am doing a trial with yogurt, as it was divinely asked for. Then when I did some research on it I discovered that in 2013, scientists discovered that yogurt works on that part of your brain that relates to pain. I am taking spoonfuls of yogurt three times a day, I increased it from two to three times a day.

If you like to have some sweetness in your life, last night I also made some dates, cashew nuts, walnuts with coconut oil, and vanilla extract with some cocoa, in my blender to eat, a lovely natural toffee that you can cover in chocolate. That was a lovely recipe offering from Happy Pear for Valentines Day, and you can find their vegan/vegetarian recipes on-line on youtube. Those guys are brilliant and they have also authored a book.


COCONUT OIL that I like to massage my body and face with too. Especially after a hot bath when the pores of the skin are open. So do nurture your bodies and yourself with tender loving care.

Coconut oil is great to cook with, and it is great to eat, children love it, and it is also an excellent conditioner for your hair. I like to leave it on overnight. Coconut oil as been called a miracle cure, although my motto is everything in moderation, as your body requires different nutrients at different times, and at different ages. Make sure that you have a balanced diet.

I will keep you updated with progress and if you would like to contact me, you can either comment on one of these blog posts, or email me at ELIAKIM JOSEPH SOPHIA @ gmail. com

That is an old email address, for emergencies, although I am in the process of getting a new email address linked to a domain name that is already registered for my use. 

I felt drawn towards the wind chimes this week, so let's have some more wind chimes for this blog post. Nice and gentle and the colour is lovely.

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