
Saturday 11 March 2017


Another healing food blog post.

So what's for dinner this evening with health in mind? In my monthly menu I have included Asparagus as an essential vegetable. So my vegetables this evening, are carrots, asparagus, and spinach with my salmon. I shall also cook my fish in garlic butter, lemon juice sprinkled with some fresh coriander, served with new potatoes. A special meal for Saturday and this holiday of Purim.

Earlier today, I have had my yogurt that I am eating three times a day for health, and a cream cheese sandwich. I've always liked cream cheese because it doesn't have yeast in it. Cream cheese is also great on celery and celery is brilliant for the adrenals that work with the kidneys.

Celery is great for detoxing, so I shall have some braised celery tomorrow with some chicken. Our bodies are always detoxing, so always great to give our dynamic healing system some extra help. Also on the menu for tomorrow is some carrot and coriander soup, that I shall make this evening.

Other fish that is on the menu this coming week is marinated herring, that I have in sandwiches, and smoked mackerel that I like straight into sandwiches, or cooked with rice.

Eating healing foods is essential for your health and different health conditions. The older you get, eat little and often. It it better to eat less and eat quality, than eat more that is not.

This Lily dinner as a very fresh taste to it, with butter on the potatoes, some sesame seeds on the spinach when served, and the lemon juice is just perfect. I like a little sprinkle of black pepper too, and a dip of garlic mayonnaise. Plenty of garlic with the carrots and pots cooked together in it too, delicious.

Enjoy, as the LORD said, RUACH. 

The 11th of March is the "Day of Intuition".

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