
Wednesday 8 March 2017


"Philotimo to the Greek is like breathing. A Greek is not a Greek without it, he might as well not be alive".  Thales.

The Greek word Philotimo is found three times in the biblical text of the NT and it is Strongs no 5389. Philotimeomai.

The Philotimo of helping one another and when a person helps the Greeks, they recognise it immediately. The Greeks always gave us such a wonderful welcome, they always appreciated our presence upon their beautiful country and Islands. The first time that I felt compelled to go to Greece was in the late 70's, we flew into Athens, and visited three Islands. We met some other newlyweds that were going to a specific Island, so we went with them on their invitation.

In those days the locals would share their stories, of what they did with the buses when the tour companies introduced them to the Island that we were on at that time.

They shared that the donkey men put those buses in the sea, as the tour companies were taking jobs from the locals that made their living, carrying the people and their luggage. We smiled and the following year we returned to Greece to a different Island, the Island where I was introduced to the dill. In those days, the restaurants were being forced to conform, and the Greek government wasn't allowing the individual business owners to be unique in their offerings and charge accordingly.

I will always remember how a lovely Greek couple invited us to their home to eat, to enjoy real Greek food, they certainly provided a banquet for us. It was the same when I met Greek people in Australia, we were united in our hearts and they were so open to the power of love and the truth that I had been sent to share.

Many times I returned to Greece with friends, male and female, Greece always in my heart. When I was young, my plan was to retire to Greece when I reached age 50, and spend my life working spiritually while Island hopping. My ideal was to live as a gypsy in the sunshine, as free as a bird, as I had engaged in a tremendous amount of responsibility during my life; and it included helping others that lived upon our land.

However, the Spirit of God, had other plans for yours truly, divine plans to fulfil biblical prophecies, my life was not my own. The last time I went to Greece, it was on a mission, and I found it to be incredibly expensive compared with before and Athens had changed hugely.

Although the kindness and love of the Greek people was still found, the biblical prophecies mention the mission to Greece. They were very open to listening to a person that was sharing what was going on in the rest of Europe, as they thought it was only their culture that was being decimated with the immigration of economic migrants.

After I read the Thales quote, the LORD spoke and he said, "RUACH".

The Greeks also shared that the Olympics were given as an excuse to bring in more economic migrants, even when they had so many unemployed young people. The British government did the same with the British Olympics.

There are now a lot of orientals in Greece, and poor Greek children working on the streets, has been replaced with poor oriental children working on the streets in Athens. At the ports you see large containers arriving, with China on the side of them.

The last that I read, their ports were up for sale, and the Arabs and Chinese were looking to buy them. The Greeks were not happy about the EURO, as they depend on tourism to boost their revenues, they weren't happy about their ports being sold to people from outside of Greece and Europe either.

After the Greeks went into the EURO, they said that their income had been cut by 50%. They shared that tourists still come to Greece, but due to the high cost now, holidaymakers, only go for one week, instead of two.

Hence, their income was cut in half due to what Angela Merkel and Goldman Sachs did to get Greece into the EU membership. Greece were doing great on their own, they didn't require EU membership to prosper. So what did Greece get for joining the EU? Austerity, on probably some of the lowest wages in Europe. Americans would be shocked if they knew what academics and educated people in Greece earn.


The combination of economic migrants, austerity, the cut in tourism, and the high interest rates on bail outs from the EU, has taken Greece to breaking point. Although the Russians did say that they would step in to help Greece, if they have too, and Putin was in Greece in 2016. There are a lot of wealthy Greeks in the world, why are they not helping their homeland? Where is their Philotimo?

Remember the prophecies Greece, "My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The Islands will look to me, and wait in hope for my arm". Isaiah 51:5

8th March is INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY, it is also the "Day of Non-Conformity".

So that is the message for today, a woman that stands against another woman, Angela Merkel. A woman that stands up for Greece and its autonomy, a woman that stands against Clinton who worked with Angela Merkel while she was Secretary of State for America.

The Clinton, that got paid huge sums of money to speak to Goldman Sachs, I am a woman that stands against Goldman Sachs and what they did to Greece with Angela Merkel.

As a woman I cannot condone the "violence" of Clinton against Libya, or her own American military, I cannot condone Clinton and what she has done with her colleagues that includes Obama.

If I remained silent about what the Clinton and Merkel regimes did to other nations, what kind of woman would I be? The Clinton and Merkel jihad against the nations is what I stand against. Where is their Philotimo? Where is their Ruach?

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