
Tuesday 7 March 2017

40 Days and 40 Nights

40 days and 40 nights, interesting numeric as Nostradamus mentioned the numeric of 40, and 40 is the numeric associated with Moshe e.g. the Prophets. This is also in the timeline of the forthcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, and on the 12th of March it is the "Day of Vision".



Can we say that it started with a prayer? You might like to ponder upon what happened in your life after you said a prayer? Were your prayers answered, did you say your prayers with a pure heart of intention? 

It's great to start a meditation with a prayer, prosperity can come with a prayer, you can even have people removed from your life with a prayer. What evidence of prayer has there been in your life?

The biblical text shares with you that the saints receive the prayers and my mother certainly prayed a lot as did Mother Mary. On healing training courses people also say a prayer, with their hands together in front of their hearts, reconnecting the heart circuit in your bodies.

Your hands are also great stress relievers if you know what to do with them and how to get the best out of your hands. 

When the mystical Nostradamus spoke of the numeric of 40, he spoke of it to indicate a timeline, the age of Iris. For 40 years the Iris will not be seen, after that it can be seen every day. The feminine Iris, such a beautiful flower, although his mystical prophecy was symbolic of the goddess. Nostradamus also worked with flower essences and aromatherapy oils for healing purposes, he was an incredible healing mystic and his work was like a glove upon the hand of the biblical prophecies. 

Nostradamus also warned people about the plans of Arabia, about it's conspiracy, and intentions, the biblical text also gave the testimony of warning and Prophet Isaiah warned not to make all of the fields one. The Jewish prophets knew that if you make every thing one, then eventually, there is only one landowner and that would not allow for the uniqueness and individuality of nations and cultures.

In Canada, they are trying to make it law to criminalise people that criticise Islam and there is a backlash to that from Canadians, including from Muslims and ex-Muslims that escaped from its control of their lives. 

So for instance just look at what Google are doing with their monopoly? That is exactly what Prophet Isaiah was against. Prophet Isaiah was against monopolies and that is what he meant when he said not to make all of the fields one. Does something like Islam allow for the spiritual growth of the individual? No, how can it? As Jesus said those that are in captivity, will go into captivity.

So might people ask in this timeline what they are a captive of? Were they captivated by Facebook or Twitter? How did those on-line platforms enhance their lives and spiritual growth and development? How did it enhance your being, was it a place of prayerful meditation, and peacefulness?  Or did it bring chaos into your lives due to so many chaotic Americans fighting each other upon those American platforms?

The Elijah Journey logo keeps on opening up on my computer automatically, divine providence that I comprehend its meaning. We do know that people have been "bullied" on-line, so you might ask yourselves is the internet and its platforms suitable for children and the youth of today?

Or is it the captivity of the youth of today? It makes you wonder what the millennials would do with their lives, if all internet and technological apps were removed from their chaotic existence. Would they then be willing to help their neighbours? Wouldn't they have the real time to help their families, and those that require help? Are you young and healthy? What are you doing with your lives, ponder upon it very seriously, what do you plan to do with the rest of your life on this planet?

Will you allow yourselves to die due to the age of technology, or will you ensure that you live in the age of Iris and its impact on living in a healthy way? Everything that people required to live was given in our Western nations, and it is up to you, whether you choose the right way to go. I know where I am going, do you?

Each moment, each minute, each day of your life is precious and at the end of the day, it is the power of love that gets us through. We know for a fact that the flora that are given the power of love, and healing, grow bigger and stronger than others, we also know that they like the power of music.

I wonder if this lovely singer knew how prophetic his song was, he was a mountain of a man. The Greeks knew didn't they? So did the Egyptians, and Israeli's, they knew what the texts said in their native tongues. I am pleased that I was enabled to return to Athens, Greece forever in my heart. remember what the prophecies said, that the Islands would await the law.

I'm also very happy that the Son of Joseph saw the Greek Islands before he passed over too, he was able to see for himself, with his own eyes, why I loved it so much and kept on returning to it during my life.  My mum and dad took my son with them too on their first trip to Greece, and it was the last holiday that they shared together.

March is the anniversary of their birthdays, and also their wedding anniversary too. There was always a lot of celebrations in March in our family. Springtime is lovely in Greece, each day it gets warmer and warmer, especially in April and May. April/May, the first I time I went to Greece and its Islands, the late 70's, a honeymoon.

It's a lovely sunny day today in the UK, so enjoy your lives, as all of you, only have so much time on this blessed planet to live it to the full.

What's for lunch today mum? A special Lotus Feet watercress soup, with fresh coriander, carrot, cucumber, dill, tomato, orange, honey, and goats milk with cheese sprinkled on the top. Delicious.

Do you eat for your health? Ponder upon it! 

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