
Monday 13 March 2017


Following on with our lumber project and the dream giving the numeric of 156 that also is the English gematria of dog. People might find this video from a doctor interesting.

Did you know that you've got dog shapes in your back?

In the description and interpretation of the telephone dream, I mentioned Greece, and this link mentions the Greek yogurt again for the spine. It has to be Greek yogurt, as that is different to all other yogurt. 

One of the top orthopaedic surgeons in the UK, was speaking at this Spine conference in Greece in 2014 with other specialists in the field of orthopaedics.

The Greeks have been active with their research, they found that Greek men that had been involved in regular exercise until the age of 30 had a higher incidence of BDM.

Office workers also had a higher incidence of LBP, (Lower Back Pain). "High proportions of Greek office workers suffer from LBP which might affect the Greek economy. The incidence of LBP status is significantly associated with some anthropometric, ergonomic, and psychosocial factors".

In memory of George Michael for the Greek people. An outpouring of his love.

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