
Monday 13 March 2017


Aspiration is not enough to become a success in what you would like to do. It requires a lot more than that. So from experience of success, and helping others to achieve success and prosperity, I tend to agree with Professor Jordan Peterson on his point and advice to those that dream of a creative career.

Also accessing your natural talents that you were born with is essential too, essential to your success and prosperity, and it requires a talented person to help people to do that in most cases. In fact, it doesn't matter what you train in academically, if you don't have a talent for that which you chose, you won't necessarily find work, a job, in the subject matter that you invested in.

What I don't agree with him on is what he said about what happens to creative people if they don't create because all people can create something, every day or evening, even creating a colourful meal, is being creative.

However, it is what happens to the creative energy when it is not being expressed that is of major importance, because it tends to turn into a different direction that is often detrimental for the person themselves. It is a very deep subject matter, energy and how it manifests, and what happens to it if and when a person isn't on the right track with their lives.

In the same way; those that experienced enlightenment know that they did not reach that state of being by aspiring for it, for one has to relinquish aspiration to attain it. One could say the same about accessing your natural talents, you have to relinquish all aspiration to access those natural talents.

Also remember that the pioneers of new realities have the toughest jobs, because they're crossing the new frontiers and it takes a long time for other people to catch up. One of the reasons that it has taken humanity such a long time to catch up with the new science and new biology. Although humanity would make a great quantum leap if it was taught in schools.

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