
Sunday 5 February 2017


The energies of 23, and it's intentions is powerful for protection of the earth. This link shares with us that there are four royal stars which protects our earth and they are 23, 37, 51, and 65.

So interesting to think about what you were doing and who you were with at those ages. There is the amount of days that you have been on the planet too, in my case I am into the 23,000 days until October, 2019. As we know the Lion is symbolic of Judah.


Who were you protecting at age 23, 37, 51, and 65, and how did it impact on your life, and the life of others. How did it manifest in your life, in your work, career, family, friendships, or love life?

At age 51, I was doing a lot of meditating to help people with the healing process, and the bible speaks of the meditation of the heart, and divine meditations were being given.

It manifested in an inner and outer way, for the preservation of self and others; for the protection of their health and defence of their natural being. Known as the "Sacredstar" as given by Archangel Michael.

I knew who was true, because they could confirm what I had already been given by the divine. Words that only I knew at that time, when the words were initially given. In the early days of my spiritual development, in my youth, and at age 37, there was a lot that I didn't share, I held a lot in my hands and heart, until I received further confirmation and instructed to share later on.

Interesting then that we find the Lion with Britannia, and the Lions are also seen in Trafalgar Square, where I fed the birds as a child. I still feed the birds, and make sure that there is some bread for them when they come to look for it, especially in the winter time when the food for the birds can be sparse. 

As we are now in February, Spring has sprung in England. February, March and April, and I bought some daffodils yesterday, mum loved her daffodil's. Sunshine yellow of the daffodils. We have two eclipses in February, and they are sure to bring some surprises, as they usually do. 

During the BREXIT campaign, Nigel Farage chose the Lion as his symbol in some of his videos, and the biblical prophecies mentioned the stately Lion.

Proverbs 30 mentions the stately stride, of the Lion, the strutting Rooster, a He-goat, and a king that is secure against revolt, and this year is the year of the Rooster. Andrew Breitbart was also born in the year of the rooster, so it is bound to be a powerful year for BREITBART media that he founded.

Although Breitbart chose the honey badger as their symbol and mascot.

I see that Nigel is campaigning in Stoke with the new UKIP leader. He has continued to give his ever-loving support to the party that he founded to defend and protect our country. 


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