
Sunday 5 February 2017

Psalm 23 Different Interpretations

Rab Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

The Rab says that in the Hebrew it is the 'shadow of darkness, and not the shadow of death' and the anointing is to do with messiahship. 

In the Aramaic the translation is thus: 

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 
He makes me to rest in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters. 
He restores my soul. 
He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 
Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
for I fear no evil; for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 

Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies. 
Thou anoints my head with oil, 
my cup runneth over. 

Surely thou goodness and mercy 
shall follow me all the days of my life. 
And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. 

The numeric of 23, one of the star numbers, and a numeric of the Royal Star of the Lion. Interesting then that it was while I was living in London at age 23 that I met the man that was ordained to marry.

Then six months after the wedding, I received news that I had to have operative procedure of cancerous cells. It was a tremendous shock that what the family planning clinic had done, had co-created a medical condition that had to be operated upon with a laser. The product that had been inserted into my cervix was an American product, a copper 7 from Searle. 

During the 18 months of laser treatment, my husband and I moved to the countryside, the green pastures, and we walked beside still waters of the rivers and the lake. 

My soul was restored on the journey, that came to be once I began the self-development and self-healing journey in the same location after my son was born 34 years ago.

The time came when I began to work with the soul, my own and with the souls of others, in the healing process. 

The LORD did indeed lead me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and I did walk through the valley of darkness, I was not afraid, for I knew that love was always with me, I knew that there was great love in my heart for life and living it.

In the cards I saw the rod, in the staff, I saw thy messages and they did comfort me as you divinely guided me and led me on the paths of righteousness. I became an instrument of your peace, to help others and to divinely guide others onto the paths of righteousness. Divine intervention was bestowed.

A table was prepared, in the presence of others, my head was anointed with oil, and my cup was above me, on the banner on the exhibition circuit, on the galilee of the gentiles.

Recovery came to be in spirituality, healing and forgiveness, like a little child she entered the first heaven and found the happiness within.  My cup within overflowed with joy, a humble soul that was willing to give self-healing, self-development, and complimentary medicine, a chance, an opportunity to show what it could do and how it could heal, and through it the peace within was regained.

It was a journey of salvation and self-preservation, the restoration that came to be, divine providence of messiahship. Wisdom more precious than rubies, was blessed to meet and work with some of the greatest healers in our English location, each with their own righteous healing path. I was impressed and many words touched my heart. Words of great love and actions to match it, as such, I honour our healers of the great work in our country, and wherever they may travel to help others.


The other day I had two dreams of sitting at the table with Christians, and the date of 1993 was given, in 2016 it was 23 years from that timeframe, and in 2016, I had to have surgery again. This time I was prepared in advance, and with me I took my rose water, and oil for my face with some rescue remedy to drink. In my hands I had Reiki healing, my hands to put upon my head and face.

Interesting then that the scars in my left hand have the initials YW, so whenever I place my hands upon myself, or a person, or a child, Yahweh is given to them.

While I was in hospital in 2016, I could only put my left hand on my face and heart, as my right hand was attached to the saline drip. The left hand is my most sensitive hand and the left hand is also to do with past lives.

I had a wonderful surgeon that I chose, and when he saw the meditation of the heart, his eyes lit up with the power of love, he knew that I was heaven sent. This music video was uploaded in December 2016 after I had received the surgery. Lovely indeed.

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