
Wednesday 11 January 2017

YOGURT Message

When I woke up today, I was given divinely, YOGURT, must have YOGURT. Fortunately, I had some Greek style yoghurt made with goats milk in the fridge. So what's so important about the yoghurt? Yogurt is great for boosting your B12, because it is a rich source of it, and in India it was called 'the food of the gods', it was also eaten in TIBET.

In Persia it was maintained that Abraham ate yogurt, for fecundity, and longevity. When I first ate the Greek yogurt while in Greece, I found that it was very cooling for the inside of the body, so I used to eat it during the day while sunbathing, and also after sunbathing. I like the Greek dip, Tzatziki with cucumber and mint too. There is also a soup that you can make with it that includes dill, I like dill very much and picked up some more today, with some more fresh coriander.


I usually just eat my yogurt straight from the tub, I am blessed, that I really like yogurt, and always have done so. Perhaps we are going to make some new yogurt recipes. Now I shall have some yogurt every day for breakfast and see how we get on for the next month.

B12 is essential for brain functioning, the nervous system and for the formation of blood.

In 2013, a study was carried out in America and it was found that eating yogurt twice a day for a month, reduced the levels of activity in the areas of the brain associated with emotion and pain, at the same time as attaining increased activity in areas associated with decision making.

So that is an excellent reason to eat yogurt more than once a day, if you are suffering from any pain at all. I also thought of the possibility of making a cheesecake with Greek yogurt and goats cheese. You can make a cheesecake without baking it.

22 days to go, and this is the 22nd post, this month. Synchronicity!

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