
Thursday 12 January 2017


In the morning on waking I received the message about the yogurt. After that my day began, everything was achieved as it had been planned to be.

My surgeon was happy with the healing, I don't have to see the surgeon again for another three months for a check up. Paperwork done, and in the post, and picked up some more nutrients on the way. I do like my dill, and coriander salads.

Then on my way home, I received another divine message, "You are my hero". 


January 2017

Interesting that in the song about BRITANNIA, the words include 'ARISE YOUNG HERO'S', it also mentions wisdom. Jesus liked that word 'ARISE', didn't he, it is written in scripture that he said my name when he was healing.

In Greek philosophy, hero's often bestowed healing blessings on individuals and to groups of people. Every nation has its true hero's that defend and protect their nation, the Spirit of Grace, defends, and protects and when the kingdom of God is upon you, you are a deliverer of miracles.

The Britannia song mentions the truth and the swords, "the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping" from Sacred Words.

Remember that Jesus asked his followers, how many swords do you have? Do you know what they represent? Did you learn about it on your spiritual journey? What did Jesus give to you, to help you, to defend you and your people? Such, a fabulous journey it has been, so intense, so much happened with he and I, even stepping on the land of Israel and calling the gathering on his holy hill.

After I made this post, I received a phone call from London, some great news.

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance'. Proverbs 17:22

The 12th of January, the "Day of Adventure".

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