
Monday 23 January 2017



The Mushroom Family 

What's on the menu this week? Yesterday I fancied some mushrooms, so I made a mushroom rice dish for a change. I remember the days when Dad would take mum and I to a cow field in Kent, to look for mushrooms, and then we would eat them for breakfast, free food.


Three cloves of garlic
Chunk of fresh ginger
Small onion
Two handfuls of mushrooms
1 Green Chilli
1 Tablespoon of honey
1 Lemon
3 Spring onions
Light Soya Sauce

Cook the chopped garlic in the oil of your choice, I put in some rice bran oil, some sliced fresh ginger, and a sliced onion, and a fresh green chilli with the juice of a fresh lemon. When soft included the mushrooms, some light soya sauce for taste, when cooked included some fresh coriander.

Then included some rice and covered the ingredients with water, while the rice was cooking, when nearly cooked, I included a few spring onions sliced. When served, put some lovely mozzarella cheese on the top, lovely.

Prior to cooking my mushroom rice dish, I had been snacking on humous with some seeded brown bread.

I still have stitches in although it is over a month after surgery. I am carrying on with eating my yogurt twice a day. Over the weekend I have been eating plain yogurt with red currents, and strawberries, as that fruit had been reduced in price last week.

So what is on the menu this week? I have fruit, so it looks like it is going to be a fruity time.

Pineapple, melon, oranges, lemons, dates, kiwi, mango, white grapes, strawberries, red currents, and blueberries, a lovely choice to choose from.

Some more carrot and coriander soup, some celery soup, I also have home made chicken casserole in the freezer.

Some smoked herring, and marinated herrings, that reminds me of Galaxy, I also like smoked herring or smoked mackerel pate, so easy to make.

I've also been having some smoked herring sandwiches with some horseradish, delicious. Avocado, with cocktail sauce, and avocado with egg mayonnaise. I like egg mayonnaise sandwiches with coriander. Chicken liver pate to finish up.

I really like cod cooked in sesame seeds, so I shall keep an eye open for some more cod this week.

All healthy healing foods, little and often is best of all. Always remember that you have the human right to food, and healthy food is essential for your healing nutrients, particularly after surgery.

Operative procedure, that I am still healing, and my surgeon says that he is happy with the healing so far. It will be months before I have to see the surgeon again, so onwards and upwards.

My new glasses are arriving this week, and that's great, one pair of sunglasses, and the other pair have a bluish frame. I've done really good with my eyes, the first change in prescription in the last 20 years. Although I do still have to get some Saffron, when I can find an economical source for it, and saffron is also great in rice.

So its out with the old glasses that saw me into the new millennium, and in with the new. It would be great to have a new photograph taken too this year.  The 21st century was born in wisdom.

Getting my body ready now for the MRI scan at the end of January.

I am taking extra supplements, in Evening Primrose Oil, 1000mg, and also Co-enzyme Q10 with Vitamin B1. I also have cod liver oil, star flower oil, silica complex, when I remember to take them.

I am not very good at taking tablets and capsules and a friend who was doing a science degree, did share that those capsules don't dissolve in the body. So I make sure that they are opened prior to swallowing the oil.

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