
Monday 23 January 2017


Sean Spicer, 23rd January, 2017, White House press briefing conference, yes, you are correct Sean, it is exciting. The journalists are really pushing it, for goodness sake, patience is something you must learn journalists, it's the first day in office. I agree with Sean about the "stats", as "stats" can be "manipulated" to suit an agenda. It is better to talk to the real people and about the real people that have been sharing the difficulties that they have encountered for the last eight years.

Interesting that I saw President Trump and then a blue sphere after that, this morning when I woke up. 

You can listen to exactly what Sean Spicer is saying, you don't have to read the MSM and what they decide to write about it. Indeed, Sean's first day on the job, the 23rd of January, the "Day of Character". Sean has shown his character and willingness to speak the truth has he is aware of it, he is a lot happier now on the first day of his office. Very confident! 

The administration is looking forward to the visit of Theresa May, although an English person should point out that even the Conservative membership didn't choose Theresa, they weren't given the opportunity to vote on whether she should lead the party in the UK.

America would like a closer relationship with the UK for the expanse of their markets, and Theresa would like the same with America. Every country is looking to expand their markets, although that isn't always the right way forward, as it can lead to globalisation. 

I should also point out that the people in the UK, have had enough of American corporations being involved in the lives of the people that is co-creating "economic cruelty" upon our people. Capita, and Maximus are just two of those corporations.

We have also kicked American food out of our schools in the UK, and we do not intend on bringing American food back. If Theresa May, tries to bring American food to the UK, she will come up against a lot of resistance from the people in the UK that honour our own culture, food, and history. Remember this that American food has been banned in over 160 countries, for the right reasons.

In the UK, we have to BUY BRITISH, to ensure the continuance of our historic culture, we have to put Britain first now.

The American culture is very different to the culture in the UK, most people from the UK, would not eat what Americans have been willing to eat for decades. Europeans are against GM, and in Italy, we have the most ecological country in Europe, because a majority of their farmers, did not take on the fertilisers and pesticides that American agriculture did.

My view is that America has to sort out its own agricultural policy, as I know for a fact, that many Americans are also against GM food. 

I agree with Sean on the numbers that watched the inauguration, so many people watched the inauguration on-line. It was millions of people more than the people that were reported upon.

He is correct that this is a different era with social media, people are now watching on social media, not just on TV, so even the TV numbers, it is far beyond that due to the fact that social media exists, giving the people greater options on how to watch the president, than in the time of Ronald Reagan. 

The press conference covers so many different aspects and includes a huge amount of questions, and they are responded too. Sean Spicer did excellently. Indeed, its not about numbers at the end of the day, its about facts, and the fact that many of us watched on-line, including his rallies, prior to the election.  Yes, indeed, DJT did win, he did overcome and was victorious. 

Indeed the MSM's intent to "undermine" their own president, the narrative has to change, as it does impact upon the morale of the American people when the MSM are so "negative" about everything to do with this new presidency.

Sean Spicer gave in-depth explanations and reasons for doing what they're doing.

One of the reasons that I got rid of television in 1998, was due to the "negativity" upon it, and I haven't owned a TV since then. At least now, I decide what I shall watch, and what I shall not watch on screen. 

Another press briefing tomorrow, best wishes Sean, lots of spice I think. 

What's happening in the UK? UKIP are marching for BREXIT.

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