
Tuesday 10 January 2017


Nigel Farage now has an evening show on LBC, Monday - Thursday every evening I listened to his show on the 9th and totally agree with him about BREXIT. Congratulations, LBC, the right way forward with Nigel Farage that should've been put in charge of BREXIT. Nigel knows more about the EU than Theresa May could ever know.

Theresa May wasn't even elected by the Conservative membership, let alone the people of the UK. The excuse given for her immediate move to No 10 was that article 50 had to be implemented immediately, now all these months later, we are no further forward with BREXIT.

They should've moved beyond political party lines, and chosen Nigel Farage to lead the BREXIT team with Queens counsel. Every day we stay in the EU, it is costing the British people millions each day.

Proverbs 31 

Not only that, but the RED CROSS now feels forced to blow the whistle about the NHS due to the Tory cuts to it. Big trouble is brewing for Theresa May and the Conservatives in the UK, and Jeremy Corbyn is demanding an explanation in parliament.

The Conservatives are planning to build another million homes, to house even more families, at the same time as making another 22BN cuts to the NHS. While foreign aid is given to people in Islamic countries, and women's pensions in the UK have been removed from 1950's women. The Conservatives don't exactly have their priorities right do they? Charity starts at home.

Yet, where would the NHS be without the help that it is given by so many volunteers? In 2013, over 300,000 health care workers were on zero hour contracts too, that's not a job, that's casual labour. The Conservatives being the employer of NHS staff, as offloaded its responsibility to those staff when they put the staff on zero-hour contracts.

Many of those staff are now employed on zero-hour contracts by private contractors, that are making money on the backs of the poor. That's how much the Conservatives care about you and the NHS. Removal of your employment rights and job security, increased 'health insecurity' for the British patients.

You may also ask why is that 58% of patients in the UK, cannot access neurological services, and why it is taking 6-7 years to get an accurate diagnosis for any back issues. Sometimes even longer, many more years to get an MRI scan. Then there is the huge cuts in funding for dental care too, and they wonder why poor families can't afford to go to the dentist.

I  have the right to criticise the NHS, although I will defend the NHS with my life.  I hope that all of our nation will defend our NHS from the Conservative STP's and its budget cuts. You can't cut staff levels, and facilities, at the same time as having a population explosion. It isn't rocket science, it is basic common sense, do the Conservatives have any common sense at all?

The Red Cross have called it a "humanitarian crisis", after being called into the NHS, that is the result of the Conservatives being in office. Although I don't think the Labour party would be much of an improvement, as most of them support more immigration that a majority of our nation is against.

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