
Tuesday 10 January 2017


The Clinton supporters are hilarious aren't they? Meryl Streep, uses the Globe Awards to publicly "shame the man" that is soon to become the inaugurated President of America. Then they are surprised when he gives them a public response to that?

Not only that, but they then get Barbra Streisand on the same Clinton band wagon, and do the same again with the media. Doing exactly, what they criticise Trump for doing. The same thing happened during the debates, Clinton said that she was going to move "beyond negativity", then went straight into "attacking" Trump. Then you were all surprised that he responded like he did. How many men would stand there and take what has been thrown at him and his family in the last year?

Anyway, I thought you said that you were leaving America, Barbra, you and all of your celebrity friends. Maybe, just maybe, you would be happier in Israel. Barbra, the woman with the greatest singing voice of the 20th century, its a shame isn't it that she had to get involved in Clinton politics, after what Clinton has done during her life.

Do you know what Barbra, did you speak up about what Clinton did to Haiti? Or the "murders" in Libya? Or how about how she and her husband, got rich on the backs of prisoners and their blood? Read any of the Clinton's emails Barbra, the private words are very different to the public words aren't they ladies? Wikileaks is an eye-opener, are your eyes opened yet America?


January 2017 

Ron Paul as come out in support of Julian Assange, and Julian Assange has come out against what the Obama-Clinton administration have done with the intelligence agencies, Julian referred to it as "quite embarrassing to the reputations of the U.S. Intelligence services".

Oh, little girls crying over Hillary, you say Barbra, Clinton the "war-monger", not becoming president, Barbra, "shame", why are little girls even involved in politics? My mother banned politics being discussed at our dining table, she did her utmost to keep the home for family, not that which was outside of it. Lily ensured that her children grew up in the freedom of the power of love, children born free in the joy of being children. Yes, Barbra, children learn what they live, and they do listen, what did the children of America listen to? Was it politics Barbra?

The saints will judge the angels Barbra, you have been put on notice, for the saints are justified by God, on my watch. Love did not remain hidden Barbra, a great light came into the world, with a great voice, and it was revealed to a nation that did not ask for it, or seek it. Exactly as the biblical prophecy ordained.

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