
Wednesday 18 January 2017


My body has been calling for 'hot and sour, sweet and sour',  so I made some soup and have called it my Quan Yin soup. The soup began with three cloves of garlic sliced, a piece of ginger sliced, and a small sliced onion, (cooked in ground nut oil) and three tomatoes with some light soya sauce. 

When the ingredients were soft, then included two tablespoons of honey, a sprinkle of rock salt, and black pepper. Covered the ingredients with water and just let it simmer with a sliced green and red chilli on the top.

As the soup begins to thicken, include a little more water, your fish and a hand full of pawns. I included a smoked herring, in pieces, although it would be just as great with smoked mackerel.

When the flavour of the fish as permeated the soup, then include a nest of egg noodles to your soup. 

As soon as the noodles are soft, your soup is done. You could sprinkle it with some chopped spring onions, and or some coriander too if you wish to. Enjoy, it is often the case that your body will ask for what it requires, when it requires it, so it is very important to be in tune with your body, and its intuitive refinements. If my body is asking for something specific, then it is usually due to a specific nutrient that my body requires, at a given time, for a specific health condition. 

This soup with its natural ingredients is great for your meridians, I've been resting a lot the last couple of days, my body is also asking for sleep.

This lovely musician reminds yours truly of Quan Yin, so lovely to go with this post.

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