
Tuesday 17 January 2017


Putin responds to the allegations about Trump, what some Americans have done towards the president elect and he clearly views it as 'moral decline' of America when its citizens do such things.

He says that people like that have "no moral limits" and denies the allegations, that Russia was involved in what was alleged. Putin also refers to President Trump as a mature man, and he is looking forward to having normal relations with the American once DJT is in the White House.

There is one thing that you can say about Putin, he has a clear goal,  and it is not to follow America's "moral decline" in his own country. He is also clear about what his goal is, and after all of the allegations about Russia, you have to respect the man, for his calmness in such social media "embarrassment" for America and Americans. 

However, there is much more that has been planned by Americans, to undermine their new president and his inauguration. Project Veritas went undercover again, just like they did with Planned Parenthood that has now been investigated by Congress. 

What Congress discovered was both "Horrifying", and "Criminal Practice", BREITBART have featured it on their website. What Americans have been willing to do to the bodies of "aborted"  babies, is beyond shocking for any human being that has kindness and mercy in their hearts. 

If people stand against "organ harvesting", they should also stand against the entity that became Planned Parenthood. Contraception has never been America's strong point has it? Just look at Searle, and all of the cases of "cancerous cells" and court cases that were brought against that corporation.

This is the first part of an undercover investigation that Project Veritas (USA) has been involved in exposing pre-planned distribution of "stink bombs", at the inauguration events.

This is part 2 of the undercover film and in it operatives are discussing how to "disrupt DC", including trains. Putting American lives at tremendous risk. Most people agree that the "disrupt J20" groups are actually involved in acts of "terrorism", against their own country and its democracy. 

It's more than the so-called "dossier" and what Putin called, American "moral degradation", wouldn't you agree? Freedom does not give people the human right to do the things mentioned in this undercover investigation. Freedom is actually having the freedom to defend your country from the people that have made their J20 plans.

Remember the biblical prophecy about their plans being"thwarted"? Project Veritas, and its team have certainly done an excellent job of disclosing what has had to be exposed. In biblical prophecy, Jesus foretold that disclosures would see the light of day, nothing like this would remain hidden.

The moral fibre of a country is so very important, and integrity is essential to the continued existence of any country. The MSM say that Trump is going into the inauguration with the lowest amount of public support and high expectations of what they hope he will achieve. Yet, do you honestly think that DJT will take any notice of the Liberal Democrat polls?

Remember the polls on the morning of the referendum in the UK and the polls just prior to the American election? Nigel Farage and the voters won, Trump and the American voters won, get over it America. 

It is clear that PUTIN will do his best to have a good relationship with the new American president and his administration. Putin has clear goals, and so does Trump, and I think these two men will speak plainly to each other and from their hearts. For both men are patriots in their hearts, and defend their nations they will. Putin has daughters, and so does Trump, women are in their hearts, daughters have an uncanny way of softening the heart of their dads. It is a very special relationship. 

Some people that stand against Trump, even claim to be Christians, yet, how can they be true in their hearts, when the bible mentions what they do to DJT and his family? That's why the stance of the Christian Russian, is so important in this timeline. Putin has some Armenian blood running in his veins.

What did Jesus say about "abortion" to the Catholics, he said, "Save the lost soul, before you birth a new one", in recent years he also called America, a "lost soul". Can the patriots retrieve the real soul of America, I hope so. At least DJT is trying to be as real as he can be, even inviting alternative media to join the press corps, opening the doors of opportunity again.

He's trying to be as transparent as he is allowed to be due to internal security issues, within the USA. Trump did his best to give his children the best home life, in an upright way, and they are a credit to him.

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