
Friday 13 January 2017

Lord Snowdon RIP

The flamboyant and charismatic Anthony-Amstrong Jones and his bohemian life merged with a different life of a woman with responsibilities. You can see why Margaret was attracted to his personality, character and lifestyle, being so different to her own. The society photographer that met a Princess and married her, he liked to be called, "Tony". 

His friend shares in this documentary that he viewed it that photography had to be "intrusive". He was very camp, unconventional, it wasn't a popular match at the time, when the announcement was first made. 

The glamorous Margaret was in love with Peter Townsend before she met Tony, but they weren't allowed to marry because he was a divorcee. 

Fidelity wasn't Tony's strong point, and eventually it was his love life that came between him and his wife. The distance between them grew bigger, as his friends share that he tired of the life in Kensington Palace and palace etiquette. Apparently, she wrote to him about the silent treatment that he was giving her. That's a clear sign that a marriage is on the rocks, dialogue in a relationship is essential and especially in a marriage. 


The former husband of Princess Margaret as passed over at the age of 86. Born Anthony Armstrong-Jones, and he became the Earl of Snowdon after he married Princess Margaret, Elizabeth's sister. They were married for 18 years and had two children together, his first born was given the name of David.

Margaret got her own back on him and had an affair with a younger man, giving her husband a way out of the marriage. They divorced in 1978.

The 13th of January is the "Day of Upward Mobility" in numerics, and he certainly went upwards after he married Margaret. He specialised in portrait photography and was famous for it. He was a man that supported disabled people and campaigned for them. His friends describe him as a "Free Spirit", and four children were sired by him. He had two love children too. That was a time that was, it is an end of an era.

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