
Friday 13 January 2017



January 2017 

13th of January is the "Day of Upward Mobility", 13 is also the numeric that in Judaism is related to power and dominion to those that comprehend it. I have no appetite today, and when you don't have an appetite to eat its hard to know what can get your taste buds going again. Although if you have days when you have no appetite, it can mean that is meant for your immune system to go into extra action, like a natural fast. The body knows when it requires less intake to get more from it, so it is really important that you listen to your body and what it is telling you.

I know that I have to have my yogurt, and more yogurt at least twice a day, due to the impact that it has on the brain, nervous system and blood. Apart from that I have plenty of fruit to choose from, and the pineapple and melon have to be eaten up.


So I will probably have a pineapple smoothie today, and no cooking. Try too eat little and often of healing foods, the older you get. You may have to change your diet, and food intake due to the specific nutrients the different systems in your body require, dependent upon the health conditions that you may find yourself encountering. Remembering that collagen begins to decrease at the same age as your brain has matured. Hence, it is essential that you have plenty of nutrients that boosts the collagen in the body.


While I was pondering on what would be best today to eat, I was given a strong wift of SMOKED MACKEREL, and I do have some horseradish to have with it later. I can also have a dill and coriander leaf salad too with some red pepper humous. My salad dressing a little balsamic vinegar with hemp oil, plenty of garlic and sesame seeds.

Little and often today, no cooking this shabbat. Just a day to relax and potter, and nurture the self, as physical energy feels very low. Sometimes the physical body can be in "stress", due to too much activity, so you have to do whatever you can to relax and heal the body when and if your energy feels low, as it can indicate that the body is in high levels of "stress" on a physical level.

Although you might be feeling completely relaxed on a mental and emotional level about your life. Every cell of your body as a mind of its own. Some have been reporting that they have been experiencing headaches around the time of this recent full moon on the 12th.

No headache in my reality, although lumber region is definitely suffering, so I look forward to the MRI scan and medical report.


My advice, make sure that you have your goats milk yogurt. Goats milk yogurt, lasts longer, as does goats milk, milk products from the goat are also good for the back and structure of the body, great cheese too. They are strong little animals, very strong, and sure footed. They are meant to be due to the terrain. Hence, I strongly recommend it for upward mobility.

We did have a little snow in the UK last night on the full moon in Cancer, although the grass is clear today, and we have blue skies and brilliant sunshine. So a lovely day, for a little walk in fresh air, although the air is what we call in the UK, as crisp. The energies of the sign of Cancer, are all about self-preservation, like the Crab that likes to preserve itself, as we know they have hard shells, although soft inside, crab meat is excellent for zinc. I like crab meat very much, although it is expensive in the UK for the amount that you get.

There is a count down in America leading up to the inauguration of President Donald John Trump, there is a count down in Europe with the forthcoming elections, in Poland the activists are telling the Yankees to go home. In Cyprus, they're telling the UN no, to unification of the Island, due to the fact that Turkey invaded it in 1974, and the Cypriots would like their Island back. Quite right too, Turkey can't go around invading the Islands of others. Enough is enough! Arise young hero's.

When the Turks invaded Cyprus was about the same time that the Egyptian Arafat had started to invade southern Lebanon. Make sure you tell the children the truth, when they ask for it.

I did have some phone calls that I was going to make today. However, they can wait until next week, I just feel like healing hands and gentle massage today, and I do listen to the energies of the body, and don't push it when it is not meant to be pushed. Gentle caressing for the body today, a nice bath, some aromatherapy oils, some massage and some inversion therapy. I might even take some rescue remedy, as the body is still recovering and healing from the surgery in December. It will be a month on the 16th when I have to see the GP again to give an update.

In my biorhythms, physically I should be feeling better by the 17th, and there is still 20 days to go on the Master 22 energies. After I move into the 23 energies, there should also be more positive changes in my life, as I will be leaving that reality behind, as I move onto the new phase of the divine plan.

At least 20 hospitals are on 'BLACK ALERT' report the Guardian. It really is time for Theresa May and her cabinet to be removed from office. Theresa May that stood against Trump and the NHS, the woman that thought she could cut it like she did with the police and other essential public services. While at the same time, the Tories gave themselves a pay rise with the rest of the MP's.

BREXIT what about BREXIT, costing the British people millions every single day. The EU politicians that get paid more than those that work in the British parliament. TRUMP should tell Theresa May, "You're Fired?".

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