
Wednesday 25 January 2017


I had a dream today and in the dream I was crouched down in the bathroom. In dream interpretation to dream of being in a bathroom or location with water, can signify that there is a happy surprise ahead, it can also indicate that a friend will approach you for help.

While I was in the bathroom, I heard my name being called, and a neighbour was knocking on the front door, the door was slightly open and she was with another woman. As I got up to answer the door, I then collapsed in the hallway.

In dream interpretation to dream of seeing a body is a good omen of success, to see a female body indicates social success. Being in a hallway can indicate that a long standing decision that has to be made must now be acted upon.

After being in the hallway, I was taken to hospital and given an MRI scan, after that I received an operation on my brain. In dream interpretation to dream of being in a hospital also signifies receiving some surprising news. As we know an MRI scan is also to do with technology and facts and it enables the neurologist to provide a full medical report.

If you dream of a human brain, it indicates that more consideration must be given, if it was your brain, then more consideration must be given to you and that which you love.

In the 90's, I wrote of how the brain is like a computer and gave the computer as an analogy.  To dream of having an operation, indicates that there will be an important change to your lifestyle, related to the news that you receive.

After the dream, I got up and felt uneasy about the dream, then lo and behold, there was some excellent news in the post. All the effort that has been put in to resolve the circumstances has come to fruition. Reinstatement makes my life easier, there was also some excellent news from London, and abroad, and a letter from the hospital.

Onwards and upwards, there was great news today all around yours truly. I also know the decision that I must act upon, and it is to do with technology, as I have to be able to write reports on this computer and print it out. I also have to be able to scan my paintings and documentation again. If I view my computer as my brain in the analogy, then it has to be operated upon, and I know just the person that will be able to fix it for me and his name is John.

I can also give more consideration to my life now, my home, and how I have had to live it, due to the restrictions and restraints that I have encountered for divine purpose.  The 25th of January, is the "Day of Destiny", so it was all meant to be, perfectly arranged. Victory in overcoming, every eventuality.

No more delay now, the technology issues must be fixed, and early February looks like the time for it, when I have moved into the numeric of 23 energies on the 2nd of February, 2017. I also have to have a new oven and a new fridge, on we go with home improvements.


Completed on the 19th of January, 2017, paint spread for a British healer. 


"The greater the love that you have become, 
the greater are the causes"


And some interesting news from Cambridge, they studied the brains of 507 people, to try to link the brains with the traits of people. Individuals with "open" personalities, linked to curiosity and creativity had brains with a thinner outer layer, and more folds in particular regions of the brain.

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