
Wednesday 25 January 2017



This is such a beautiful sight, when the buffalo suddenly arrived at Standing Rock in 2016 when we were campaigning in support of the natives of the land. It makes your heart glow with supreme joy, and your Spirit soar to see such an amazing response from the animal kingdom.

The Buffalo the great protectors, incredible sight to see the herd of buffalo, and what did the bible say about the messages of the animals America? Do you know? 'Ask the animals and they will teach you'.  Job 12:7. The Buffalo heard the call of the Spirit of Grace, for Grace protects and defends the land and its people. Absolutely brilliant.


Completed 19th January, 2017, paint spread for a British healer, we have shared a past life together, a medicine woman, a native spiritual elder in that lifetime.

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

A person asked is white buffalo woman white? Wisdom responded what difference does it make what colour her skin is? What matters is the great love in her heart of integrity. Do you remember the visions that I received in January? The hand with the white dove in it.

Know this spiritual people that live in Europe stand with you at Standing Rock, in Spirit we are with you, with the fullness of the power of our love beyond measure, we care fully for you. For your lives, for your love, for your hearts, for your water that is sacred to all humanity, we are great love and we honour your great love.

We welcome the buffalo with joy in our hearts, we honour the defence of your indigenous languages that you have worked so hard to protect and defend. We honour that which you hold sacred in your hearts. Always remember that because we will never forget you, and the sheer amount of effort it has taken for you to keep your spiritual independence and spiritual freedom. You are always in our hearts, and when you call, we hear you. When you send a smoke signal, we receive it, when you pray, we can smell it.

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