
Sunday 8 January 2017


On the 2nd of January, 2017, I received numerous visions while bathing. From the visions shown there were indications of locations that would be impacted upon, it included America and Israel due to seeing the "Star of David".

Since the visions have been received there have been reports of an event at Fort Lauderdale airport, a timing indicated was Christmas, and the eastern church is celebrating the birth of Jesus. Today there is news that there has been another "attack" in Jerusalem in Israel. The report says that four have died, one is critically wounded, and ten lightly wounded as a truck rammed into a group of soldiers near Armon HaNatziv just before 1.30PM Sunday afternoon.

The truck had Israeli license plates.

Condolences America and Israel.


And Israel has cut $6M from its funding to the UN. 

Interesting that I've also been compelled to write about the story of JONAH.


Remember east Jerusalem? There was no room at the inn for yours truly. Muslim owned hotels refused to accommodate yours truly. We also purified the Lion's gate with salt in 2007, and ancient Jewish rite I discovered afterwards, after being divinely instructed on what to do. 

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, and mercy was sent to Israel, you are always in my heart. The flame of Joseph, remember the prophecy, Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, and ESAU will be "stubble". 

And the PA that has a constitution that says that Israel has no right to exist, now demand to be given the Dead Sea Scrolls, no way, UNESCO, no way PA. The PA has to give Israel the right to exist in their constitution, and no meetings should be held at the UN with the PA until such time has that has been implemented. The east side will wither, just like the plant in the story of Jonah. You shall not have the Dead Sea Scrolls PA, they are part of Israel's antiquities. They are Jewish texts and will always remain so. 

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