
Sunday 8 January 2017

AMERICAN TAX Jason Chaffetz

American companies and how they manage to pay so little in corporation tax is explained in this video. It concentrates on three different ways the American corporations manage to achieve it.

1. Charging themselves interest in a different country.

2. Charging themselves a use of brand fee as a % in a different country.

3. Carrying forwards past losses from previous years.

Also in America, from my own research, all profits on their companies overseas, are taxable in America. How do we allow that in our countries?

Now Donald John Trump said that one of the reasons he paid low corporation tax was due to the carry over of past losses. Combined with the fact that business people in America are not happy about how their tax money is spent in America by Americans.

That doesn't mean that he paid no tax, just like Starbucks with buildings, he has paid tax on employment of staff, buildings and purchase taxes etc. Although most business will look to decrease their taxes as much as possible, to keep as much cash in the business as possibly. Due to business having to have as much fluidity as possibly for flexibility.

Clearly the existing tax system is not working, and as such, it requires a new economic blueprint for prosperity of the nation. However, I would be quite happy if American companies that activate point 1 and 2, were removed from our shores in the UK. My view is that if you wish to decrease your profits, then you should increase the amount of money that your staff are paid, that would be in integrity.

Not charging yourself interest and brand royalty fees, so that profits all go back to the American company. Of course another way that they get around that is with franchises and many companies like McDonalds are franchises. Business people buy the brand, and have to pay highly for it.


Having looked at what Jason Chaffetz has been looking at, you can understand why Trump feels the way that he does about it. However, what this ex-business woman discovered on her travels is that American companies, corporations were not paying tax in any country. That's why the corporations like globalisation.

So for instance an Australian business man shared with me that American corporations paid no tax in Australia, and that 50% of Australia is owned by America. At that time there were only 17M people living in Australia, the tax upon the little people of the country were having to fund all of Australia's people and infrastructure. THE RICH GETTING RICHER ON THE BACKS OF THE POOR, THAT IS HOW AMERICA HAS BEEN RUN and they're still doing it with their crowdfunding websites.


The Americans that I met face to face, weren't charitable either, I approached various wealthy American authors while I was in Australia to help the children in Australia where they were making a lot of money speaking to audiences of 10,000 people in various different venues in major cities.

Some poor people had saved up for a long time to meet those authors, and Louise Hay didn't even give that family with a disabled woman the time of day. Hay was busy with her book signings and didn't fulfil her contractual commitments to the organisers, publishing distributor while in Australia when asked to do so. What does that say about the integrity of American's so-called spiritual people?

Not a single one of those Americans offered a single dollar to help depressed and suicidal children in Australia and it includes Wayne Dwyer who has since passed over. So it begs the question, why were Australians making those American authors richer than they were before? I remember you all, elephants forgive, they do not forget those that were getting richer upon the backs of the poor.


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