
Saturday 24 December 2016


There is a lovely biblical verse that it is better to be patient than to be a warrior. Proverbs 16. Personal and spiritual development, also healing yourself and others requires tremendous patience, as it take years for it to be fully integrated prior to being able to actively, and in conscious awareness, knowingly accept the instructions and will of God when instructed to do so. 

Some are blessed to be born with the godly virtue of patience, and some have to learn it and integrate it. As I used to say to my son when he was a child, "patience is a virtue, and it is something that you must learn". Sometimes a person can have patience in their earthly life, yet have to bring it forth into their spiritual life. By living spiritual life patiently, it is integrated on all levels of life in different dimensions and heavens. 

The level of patience of a saint, cannot be learnt from a book or a scroll, and Jesus knew that too, for truly, people have to live it and persevere in everything that they do. People will try your patience in many different ways, and sometimes you have to show it at a higher level than you have done before. Truly, the patience of a saint is mighty indeed. 

Once love has been liberated, nothing can take it from you. For once love is liberated from your physical being, the power of love is always with you and you are conscious of that fact of life. Love beyond measure within and outside of your body. 

The power of magnanimous love, in the Spirit of Grace, that protects, and defends those that are most vulnerable, sensitive, and intuitive. For it is in the spiritual family, that the spiritual inheritance continues, from generation to generation. In that love beyond measure, the healers prosper, again and again, and the miracle workers grow in numbers.


Just as they did on my watch, and in my radiant hands, when one became a thousand healers. For that to happen it is truly divine will for it to happen. The spiritual family are my brothers, sisters, and mothers. And so it was, many years ago, that the holy Mother called me her sister in the virtue of Grace after I had protected and defended the young spiritual ones and their natural development.

"You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold your manna from their mouths, and you gave them water for their thirst". Nehemiah 9:20. 


"Looking at those who sat around him, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother". Mark 3:34:35

"The Bedcovering", Proverbs 31 

Interesting that a spiritual sister, gifted a white bed covering last week, for the bed in my new white healing room, all fresh, clean and bright. Another spiritual person gifted a real pine tree, a tree of life. A spiritual sister also brought food, wine and flowers in recent weeks, truly gifted, and a spiritual brother, funded yours truly so that I could pay for heating etc. All is in harmonic concordance with the divine plan, the spiritual family come up trumps at the end of the day. As above, so below, as below, so above. When it is really important, the spiritual family step up to help humanity. 

The Holy Mother said, 'You gave them something very powerful, you gave them yourself'.

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