
Saturday 24 December 2016

PUTIN agrees with JESUS

It was in July 2015, when Jesus first spoke of America "failing"

August, 2016.

"You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold your manna from their mouths, and you gave them water for their thirst" Nehemiah 9:20 Shiloh.


On of the 23rd of December, 2016, Putin speaking was published.

Putin gave his annual media conference in which he discussed the "allegations of personal involvement in the Democrats' electoral defeats in the U.S. the threat of a nuclear arms race, and the potential for a Syria ceasefire - all of these were among the issues that he discussed.

Putin said that the Democrats are "sore losers", and that the "U.S. Democrats are losing on all fronts, looking for scapegoats". He also said, "Don't blame Russia for your failures". 

In recent days, I was pleased to see that Aleppo International Airport is nearly ready to be re-opened. The second largest airport in Syria, surely, that is all thanks to Putin, that we didn't have to witness another Libya and what Obama and Clinton did to that. 

Putin is a very patient man, and his patience has been tried over and over again. He has the patience of a saint. It is better to be patient than to be a warrior. Proverbs 16. Some people are born with the virtue of patience, and some have to learn it. 

You can tell when a child has patience, as a female child, I would sit and sew for hours, I would do embroidery, patchwork and crochet. Homemaking skills and creative talents require patience for success. 

The same can be said about creative cooking with healing foods, personal development, and spiritual development. It requires tremendous patience, and so does hands on healing, just surrendering to the process of love beyond measure. For once your love has been liberated, it cannot be taken from you, no matter what anyone does. Whatever you do, wherever you go, the power of love goes with you. 

"The Bedcovering" Proverbs 31 

"Looking at those who sat around him, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother" Mark 3:34-35. The spiritual family. 

Thank God for Putin, this year the Christians are celebrating in Syria. St Elias

I am sure that Rya remembers the day that we prayed on the Sea of Galilee, with Syria in front of us. We prayed for peace for Israel and for Syria, on that day, the children were playing on the beach, and I saw a large elephant. Rya asked me what I saw while we were praying and making our request of the heavenly Father. I shared with her that I had seen an elephant, she asked me what does it mean, I shared with her that it is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom, it has right of way, and it is the overcomer of obstacles. 

I made this painting for the beautiful Israeli Rya, and sent her a scan of it. It has hearts in the rose. Sisters of the Rose, an ancient order of spiritual women, that passed the rose around, when it was time to meet at a place of the gathering. 



When I get the opportunity I also give people Rose Water, its lovely to put it on your head or in the bath, you can also cook with it. In the last year I have been compelled to gift three bottles of rose water to healers, the rose water is another sign for the sisters of the rose. 

This year I just had to have plenty of candles and it is also a Jewish holiday this year. Happy holidays, happy Hanukkah. I haven't been able to eat much due to surgery, although some smoked salmon went down lovely, and I have "Love Tips" Asparagus soup. The pomegranate nutrient drink is also good for this evening.

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