
Sunday 11 December 2016


Another sign of cultural genocide when there are websites that promote "Polygamy", harems in your country. This BREITBART article shares how a Muslim from Sunderland started a polygamy "matchmaking" website called in 2014, followed by this year for Shariah marriages.

The more wives they have, the more children that they have, and an aspect of the Islamic plan is to outbreed the indigenous population, so why is the British justice system putting up with it, allowing it, yes, allowing cultural genocide to happen to the UK? It's economic and social jihad.

Buddha said that "Desire is the cause of all pain and suffering", and "Polygamy" is about man's "Desire". The bible also stands against it, Shariah marriages = "sexual immorality', Mark 5:32 "sexual impurity", Romans 1:24. The NT also warns about associating with such people. 1 Corinthians 5:9. 1 Corinthians 6:18

Islam is not compatible with the Western way of life of trustful loyalty to one wife. There are also serious health implications caused by a man when he sleeps with more than one woman at the same time. Sexual energies stay with a person for at least six months after intercourse. So it is always advisable to have a six month break between relationships. Sometimes I would go for as long as two years between relationships, sometimes even longer.

Do you not know that "wrongdoers" will not inherit the kingdom of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9. When the kingdom of God is upon you, you are able to deliver miracles, I have been blessed to be an instrument of such miracles. I heard the other day that another woman that received a miracle from these hands, as returned to work, because she is healthy enough to do so.

Also have you seen what the Qu'ran says about female children? The verse is featured in this music video. The verse is cited, 16:58-59. It speaks of when a female child is born, "shall he keep her with dishonour or bury her in the earth". In other words, 'kill female babies'. I am against gender selection, aren't you? The Qu'ran supports "gender selection" of babies, yet, the Liberals have supported Islam and its realities.

They found clinics in London being paid for "gender selection" and that is not legal in the UK. Who was involved in it? Asians.  Gender selection is strictly forbidden in the UK.

Although there is a lot of it going on in America, is it any wonder that Jesus spoke of how America is a "lost soul", and how America had "failed". Know this that when man tampers with Creation, it always back fires upon that nation and its people because the spiritual law exists, and there is nothing that the scientists can do to change the spiritual law.

Then there is the millions of "abortions", in the USA at Planned Parenthood. More "cultural genocide", America.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. He asked for HESED.

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