
Sunday 11 December 2016


In the last year, the people visiting this blog every month has trebled and now the French are visiting twice as much as Americans. This year we also had a large influx of people visiting from Russia during the summer months. Its interesting to see how the numbers change, ascend, and where the interest is coming from, when and where. Also it helps to see the subjects that you are most interested in. If you have something specific that you would me to look at for you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Since I began blogging at the end of the year in 2008, during the end of year holidays, there have been over a million visitors.  It was at that time that Jesus said that we were moving into a higher gear, and the first blog came to be after that.

Best wishes to everyone that comes to visit. Please consider making a charitable donation, those people that are worthy to give to a worthy cause, can give, and every little helps, as I am entirely reliant on your financial assistance to provide what is appropriate at this time.

The pensions of 1950s women have been removed by the British government, and we are the only country in Europe that this has happened to in such a drastic way. Leaving so many women without any financial income, independent women spent their savings in supporting themselves, we even spent our inheritances supporting ourselves, because what we paid in taxes was not given back to the women that had paid those taxes.

This is important because 'career politicians' plan on making the people work right up to their 70's, and beyond, even if you have health issues that the NHS cannot solve. I was listening to Nigel Farage last night, and he was saying that governments don't know what to do about the future.

As they cannot see how they will be able to afford the pensions, and welfare state for the people in 50 years from now. As I have written in recent days, there will have to be some redistribution of wealth to the people the grassroots of society.

Those career politicians have made enough money upon the backs of the poor for generations. Enough, really is enough of austerity, when "career politicians" continue to get pay rises, and London has the biggest government that it has ever had. The same government that doesn't have the solutions to that which ails humanity is being paid the highest amount, where is the sense in that?

This forthcoming week, I have a meeting to attend, and I also have to have surgery. So it's most likely that this blog will be quiet next weekend, as I will be in recovery from the surgery. A healer has said that she will come with me to the hospital, and at least stay with me overnight, to ensure that I am OK.

As the hospital would not agree to the surgery unless there was someone to take care of yours truly and they couldn't offer me a bed to be kept in hospital for observation. That is now the state of the NHS in the UK, no beds for those that require them, when they require them, at the same time as it is supposed to be one of the richest Western nations.

Remember this that Jesus said those that believe in me, shall never go hungry or thirsty. In the power of love I have managed to keep going, even though there is a lot that I have to sort out.

It wasn't easy for an ex-business woman, a woman that has always been very independent during her life, to ask for financial help. However, it had to be done to fulfil the prophecy, as I was restricted from being able to make an independent living, or go out to work. I had no choice but to stay in integrity.

2015-2016 was a year of the heart of repose, that overlapped with a year of spiritual transformation in my life during 2016.  In 2017, I am coming to a close with the 22 energies that relate to my age on the planet.

In 2017, it will be another new beginning, and in my life cycle I will be in another 9 year, of completion, and divine love. It will also be the Chinese Year of the Rooster, so I anticipate it being a big year for BREITBART, as Andrew Breitbart was born in the year of the rooster. A big year for the birds and Donald John Trump even has his own pheasant with golden feathers. We smiled, when we realised that Trump has a Justine Hayward haircut, and so does his youngest son.

That would be a great present for the White House wouldn't it? Golden haired pheasants to walk around the gardens. This is another great mandala for 2017, due to its colours.

Lucky colours for the Chinese Year of the Rooster, is Gold, Brown, and Yellow, Autumn colours. It will be a 'FIRE ROOSTER',  and I will make a post about that nearer the time.

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