
Monday 5 December 2016


Can you believe what is going on in America? Those Liberals are even banning literary classics, crazy America, whatever next? All I can say is thank God for Donald John Trump, and BREITBART reporting on the real news. Journalist, educator and black American, Adrienne Ross writes about how literature must not be given a safe space, unless of course it is in a museum. We have plenty of classical literature in the UK, in the British Museum, and in our libraries. How about you America?

What Adrienne didn't mention in the article, is that one of the first things that Islam do when they are taking over a culture, is too remove the existing classical literature. Say no, to 'cultural genocide'.

What else don't the Clinton supporters like? They don't like the fact that a world class surgeon has been quoted for the position of working with the inner cities in America. Ben Carson, an incredible man that came from a poor family, to become one of the world's greatest surgeons. The inner cities definitely require a doctor to make everything better again.

What does Pelosi know about real talent? What does she know about a marketing professional that can work in any industry and with any product, or service?  Pelosi didn't exactly lead Clinton to success did she? Oh no.

A talented person that is real, with the people, can turn their hand to any real task with the people, especially a troubleshooter like Ben Carson. A troubleshooter from the operating theatre, can also provide a divine operation in the inner cities. Interesting that the LORD foretold that a divine operation would come to be, what greater man could perform it, than Ben Carson? A man with gifted hands, a man of colour with a big compassionate and merciful heart.

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